It's a little off the Halloween deadline but this show sounds like a whole lotta fun. Why didn't I hear about this when it was busy being born here? I'm so involved in city life. An
interesting article about it.
I'm so mad I could kill someone.

I'll have to settle
for this for now I think.
I SO want to see this, but I have no idea where it would ever play if the took it on the road.
Awesome movie.
I thought of you Mob and figured you'd really be up for it. Time for you and the missus to head for New York!
It was pretty damned good Creepy although I have to say, it's been years since I've seen it.
There's been noise made about a visit for the Thanksgiving Day parade next year, actually...
Not that I'd expect to squeeze in anything besides the parade on that trip...
The only thing I can think of is that I missed the halloween parade this year.
How did I miss this? I would have traveled across the nation's border for this show ... but I'll catch it during my next NYC visit.
Sounds cool!
Dale, please to be looking at the Love Thang.
Wow. I had no idea this was happening! I hope I have a chance to see it.
If Chins Could Kill is required reading in our household. I can't pick up a chainsaw without saying "groovy." And our eldest has met Bruce Campbell.
We are meant to see this production.
If you're there already Mob, you have to find the time.
Poor X. Dell - you're working too damned hard!
Sounds like a scream doesn't it Beth? Did I just say that?
It do it do Old Lady.
Twisted and hilarious Skincarver.
Thanks Ben, changed the link, the other was still working last time I checked. Silly newspaper links.
They did it just for you and yours Bubs. Get thee to off Broadway.
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