I'm getting a lot of hits for this: Another winter in a summer town
and it's making me think that the producers of Grey Gardens may want to put a hit on me if they ever read it.
Here she is: Yasamin miss 2006 - next stop Playboy.
"my vitriol" november - It's not only in November anymore.
Piazza del Popola churches - seems like only 2004 that I was writing about 2002, ah. And my friends just got back again from Italy. Whatever.
what does nessun dorma mean? - ask Luciano.
what does "no flies on you"mean? - something to do with zipperless pants?
Egg tempera weirdo
1 month ago
oh oh, No flies on you means you don't sit still long enough for them to lite.
I would publish a sitemeter post, but yours and others are so much more interesting than my own.
I'm so excited. This morning I got this Google hit: Beth and Peter Buck. I'm blushing and giggling like a virgin bride.
I checked my sitemeter this morning, and someone hit on my site after searching for c*nt muncher. I know I haven't said that with any measure of seriousness, so I'm sure they were very disappointed.
Everything leads to Dale. I'm convinced.
This is what happens when you're a star.
What does Nessun Dorma mean?
To lite or not to lite...
Are you sure about that? I'd be curious what yours turns up too X. Dell.
Beth and Peter buck up a tree...
And now they'll hit here after your place Sassypants and go DAMN IT!
I'm one of those stars that fizzled years ago but it's only now you can see the brilliance Zed.
The links are in the post Giz but basically it means 'no one sleeps'. Click on the link and hopefully laugh.
what sitemater software do you use?
It's actually Site Meter Chancelucky.
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