My friend Tanya Espanya nominated me for one of these under the category of Best Blog which was very sweet of her:
I forgot about it (because I'm rude and insensitive) until Barbara mentioned it.
You can do your bloggy duty and vote for Barbara by clicking on the maple leaf above and looking for her under Best Group Blog for The Stroumboulopouli.
The life is the red wagon, you pull for me, I pull for you.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I would vote for you, but I'm not Canadian... Does that matter?
I'd say go ahead, you're definitely smart enough to be Canadian Saviour! :-)
This Southern American proudly waved her maple leaf for Passion of the Dale AND Barbara's group blog. If either of you win, do I get an invitation to the awards ceremony? I still want to borrow that silver skirt ...
I'll tell Deborah to have it cleaned Beth just in case. Of course you get to come, skirt or no skirt!
I voted, Dale. Sorry it wasn't for you but I'm easily distracted. ;)
I will go and vote right now :)
Even though I'm not Canadian, they let me vote for you. What a country!! It's almost like being in Chicago.
Wow. I don't think I've ever swapped comments with a nominee before.
You got my vote!
How exciting! Let's celebrate even if you don't win. I like steak.
Yay! I voted for you, Dale. When should I expect the cookies to arrive?
Congratulations Dale....does this mean you can be chairman of your company and Canadian blogger of the year all in the same week?
You got my vote. If they had a category for Best Blog Commenter you'd get that one too.
You and Dena need to sweep this.
Chelene, I think I treasure your almost vote even more than the one I used up on me.
Mellowlee - you're sweet. I haven't been able to lay my hands on the magazine article though. I've got one other person who's going to check their recycle bin still though.
It's almost like Chicago or New York X. Dell only you're not here.
Bubs, you're officially on the payroll now. Thanks!
You do like steak Tanya! You're too nice. Sometimes.
I just burned another batch Berry but I'll keep trying.
The rules don't say I can't Chancelucky but in the event I'm not able to fulfill my duties, you might be asked to wear the crown.
You're sweet Pink Fluffy, now get back to that cello. And don't burn the place down.
Ben Heller - you are a nice guy. And your blogs rock. And roll.
Monkey, I'm not sure about me but I love Dena. Okay, I love me too.
Thanks for trying Dale! It's very kind of you :D *huggle*
Thanks for the propaganda, Dale! You are a sweetheart, as are all you other lovely folks who joined in. It's one big happy blogging family. We should all go downtown tonight and get tattoos!
Thanks for the propaganda, Dale! You are a sweetheart, as are all you other lovely folks who joined in. It's one big happy blogging family. We should all go downtown tonight and get tattoos!
Turns out you can vote once per day. Vote early! Vote often! This is almost as good as being back in Chicago!
I even checked the newsstands but the new issue's out Lee.
Totally up for that Barbara but don't expect me to tattoo my butt with George or anything!
You were in Chicago CP? As Billy Flynn or Roxie Hart? I feel so dirty and cheap after that. I'm going to see the play in a couple of weeks with my niece. Thanks for voting (or pretending to).
Did you win yet? I'll go vote again....
Vote every day Bluez or the Bee gets it!
I was actually referring to the city, the birthplace of modern voting fraud. But if you must know, my choice role for the musical would have to be Mama Morton.
I knew what you were referring to CP but I had to make you admit your Mama Morton aspirations!
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