I promise to stop mentioning my cold and what it's doing to my voice, eventually.
Today at work, someone told me I had my 1-800- voice on. A couple of other people said that my voice sounded really sexy. All I could do was smile and cough in response.
As I was getting ready to leave for the day though, someone said my favourite thing. I was putting on my coat and someone asked if it was new. I said that it was in my best sexy 1-800 voice, asked if they liked it as I showed it off and then promptly began coughing.
Someone else stepped in and asked, Dale, do you always have to be so phlegmboyant?
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Somehow that sounds catchy, and just as sexy.
Call me.
Wear the coat.
Phlegmboyant was one of the worst bands the eighties had to offer. I hate them almost as much as I hate having this cold.... Did YOU give me this cold or did I give it to you?
It sucks balls in a way that ain't no fun for no one.
Hope you feel better soon...
Bet wishes on your loogie-filled phone-sex career.
Honeybunch, unless phone sex is very different in Canada, I think that's your 1-900 voice, not your 1-800 voice.
I call it your "Phoebe Buffay" voice.
Let's all use it "phlegmboyant" a sentence this week.
Down here in Yankeeland the prefixes are changing to 900's for "those calls".
I have your same cold, as does everyone in my office. No one here is quite as witty about it though, we're all just making lewd jokes about making out with each other in storage closets.
Hah! I'm Always telling you how great you sound when I leave you a message...Can't you do some audio blogging?
Anyone who uses the term "phlegmboyant" has got to be sexy as hell. Please tell me it wasn't a 90 year old who said that to you.
I have nothing to add. I'm only here to show off the fact that I don't have a cold.
p.s. - PinkFluffy, phone sex in Canada is free. We're only taxed on the real thing.
I call my "cold voice" my "Tanya Tucker voice".
*singing Delta Dawn*
better phlegmboyant than phlegmatic I guess.
Howdy mate. Just came by to see if everything's bang on. Sorry to hear about the cold. Dayquil. If you don't want to go the drowsy route. Still in the ranks of the unemployed but shedding off a lot of stress. Never felt better in years. Hopefully with the work on my website dwindling down, I'll be able to blog a bit more often. So until mate, I 've got to run and do my civic duty ... and get groceries. The usual bollocks.
you be soundin like girl 6 lol
my co worker has this husky voice from smokin. but its not all raspy its all deep and sexy and shes the dispatcher and sometimes the machinists call just to talk to her. lol when shes sick she tells everyone shes gonna charge them 6.99$ per minute haha
Ew, I hate the words phlegm, snot, and saliva. *shudders* stop it lol
Maybe you should see a phlembologist for that cold.
THANKS for the tunes!
Phlegmboyant? Perhaps he thought your new 1-800 voice was expanding the congestion.
that's so funny!!! I LOVE THAT!!!
I laughed until I coughed even more Tumuli. Sexy beast, that's me.
You'd like the coat Chelene, a nice overcoat made of I dunno, ultrasuede or something. I'm calling you...
Saviour, I've already blamed you for so many other things, I pray we'll both just be done with it soon. Balls and all.
You've really got a snotty way with the comments sometime Mob. Har har.
Cough. What Slaygirl?
Dare I say you would know PinkFluffySlippers?
At least you didn't say Phlegmy Buffet Coaster Punchman.
Wouldn't that be phlagrantly phlegmboyant though Beth?
Ahem, Old Lady, what did you say you did for a living?
I'm not sure if your office scares me more than mine or not Gizmorox!
Only for the basics Anomie Atlanta, if you want the good stuff, you gotta get in line for some double billing.
You do Tanya and I always find it strange because like most people, I cringe when I hear the sound of my own voice. So no, no audioblogging to soon come.
No Zed, you're safe, she was a 43 year old 1-900 operator, I mean co-worker.
I'm very proud of your healthy status Berry. If you're giving it away for free, can I have your number?
Welcome to Tuckerville. Population: Sassypants. What's that flower you have on?
Wasn't that an R.E.M. album Autophlegmatic For The People CL?
Larry H! Glad to hear you're doing okay and feeling great about things. Thanks for the suggestions too.
I only charge 5.99 and mine's all natural Yas. Tell her she's got competition.
The way you managed to use all the words you hate in a sentence was shocking Mel.
Yer welcome Bluez, thanks for yours too. I didn't get anything on them. Like phlegm.
X. Dell - She was just one of the many funny people I work with. Anyone funnier than me however mysteriously disappears.
Glad to make you laugh Miss Katie.
Hope your cold clears up soon Dale, then you won't need to wrap up warm with that coat everyone's coughing at.
I worked phone sex once, ok twice... good money and entertaining..... we could break the bank Dale, lets go into buisness together....
Is it possible to catch a cold by reading someone's blog?
It's alright if I cook some of the garlic right Ms. Truthiness?
Thanks Ben, it seems to finally be on the wane. The coat still looks fantastic.
Shroom-Monkey? Call me. We can interview each other. Hot tramp, I love you so.
Are you blaming Grant? Mine was caught the old fashioned way, by licking other people's phones and keyboards at work.
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