A- Available or Single -
I'm available for parties, bar mitzvahs and catered events so long as I can bring a guest.
B- Best Friend -
Me, which makes the rest of you very lucky.
C- Cake or Pie -
I'd eat just as much pie as cake if it had icing on it.
D- Drink of Choice -
Coke or a Bloody Caesar
E- Essential Item -
My brain. I never leave home without it although some might beg to differ.
F- Favourite Color -
I like to wear red because it really brings out the bloodshot in my eyes.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms -
H- Hometown -
I was going to say A Town Called Malice but really, apart from the mental patients and thieves in the night, it's just a sleepy little hamlet in eastern Canada.
I- Indulgence -
I denly myself so little that I'm hard pressed to answer this.
J- January or February -
February, it's got my birthday in it and is one step closer to spring.
K- Kids -
Yes, kids. Currently, as seen on tv, they're a very hot accessory; get yours today before Angelina snaps them all up!
L- Life is incomplete without -
M- Marriage Date -
I'm terrible with regular dates so a marriage date could only end in disaster.
N- Number of Siblings? -
Eight is enough don't you think?
O- Oranges or Apples? -
Oranges peeled with the back of a spoon.
P- Phobias/Fears -
Snakes on a blog.
Q- Favorite Quote -
Not one of us knows what effect his life produces, and what he gives to others; that is hidden from us and must remain so, though we are often allowed to see some little fraction of it, so that we may not lose courage. Albert Schweitzer
R- Reasons to smile -
So many when you tap into the poetry of life all around us.
S- Season -
I used to say summer but now there's something about the transitions in spring and fall that I love.
T- Tag Three People -
Hapabukbuk, Pink Fluffy Slippers and Megan, because I need to know more. The invitation is open to everyone else as well!
U- Unknown Fact About Me -
For now, it shall remain unknown.
V - Vegetable You Hate -
I think I like them all.
W- Worst Habit -
Biting fingernails, my own, not yours.
X - Xrays You've Had -
My head for sure.
Y- Your Favorite Foods -
Italian, Greek, maple walnut ice cream.
Z- Zodiac -
Aquarius. Do I always have to pour the water? And do I have to do it naked?