I try to conduct my computer life in the same manner as my regular life - under a semisweet cover of darkness, but this is not always enough to stem the tide of the modern scourge - spam email.
Today in my IN box, there was an exciting opportunity that began by quoting my blog address and then suggested that since I have a pharmacy / medical related blog, I could earn cash if I helped refer people to their website which is a discount drug business.
My less than comprehensive investigation into my blog showed me that of the six hundred and twenty-nine posts leading up to this one, there were a total of seven posts that referred to either pharmacy or medical. While this may satisfy their criteria, I'm not so sure I'd trust their Research & Development division or for that matter, their drugs.
While I thought briefly of the glory that being a drug kingpin or a pimp might bring, I decided against participating in this exciting opportunity and instead used my energy to come up with potentially life saving advice for you:
Always consult your physician before undertaking the reading of any blog other than this one.
Egg tempera weirdo
4 weeks ago
Well then Prince of darkness, how come I got the sniffels ever since I first stuck my nose in your blog?..
I did that last summer. I have a doctor's note that allows me to check in daily.
Your blog is always my first stop when I'm looking for important information on various medical issues.
People who read mine always complain afterwards of side effects like intense nausea and irritable bowel syndrome.
Thanks to sitemeter, I always find it disturbing to see hits on my blog from google searches of "rachael ray naked".
My blog is best viewed with only one eye open to avoid total blindness.
i got one of those very same emails of opportunity from a sex toys website. it seems they saw right through my humorous, angry exterior to my whorish, mcslutty interior. guess our cover of darkness'es aren't working dale!
The Surgeon General thanks you for the warning.
Dale, I've got this weird rash - can you tell me what I should do about it? I can't afford healthcare, so this is my only hope.
I have had to delete spam comments from this post about 6 or 7 times.
No, to my knowledge, neither I nor my readers have a problem with erectile dysfunction.
I've had an email spam wanting to gather all the Halifax bloggers under one banner. Obviously this guy does not see the joy in socializing while looking however I want to - uncombed hair or holes in my socks or whatever.
'Im pink therefore im Spam' lmao thats priceless!
Maybe they just realized that The Passion of the Dale IS a drug! MY DRUG!
My very comprehensive investigation of my body has once again proven that I am female, with no hidden penis. I still get emails daily letting me know that I can add several inches to my penis. Being that it's non-existent, now I'm curious as to whether or not these magic pills could actually make me grow one.
No one sends me emails about my blog. No one cares. Not even the penis people.
Well, you talk about the Korean bagel lady farm more than you talk about anything drug or medical-related. And you don't see her advertising on your site, do you.
Heaven only knows what people would advertise my blog if I let them. Couldn't be good.
You mean you're not on drugs?
Wait you mean you don't sell cheap drugs? Then why the hell am I wasting my time here....
Sure, blame me Marloes, it's the story of my life. That and the blog virus I spread.
Your preparedness makes me warm Beth.
Pleased to be at your service Chris. Take a handful of every pill you have in the house and let me know what happens.
I get some weird hits too Is That So Wrong. I should do a post on them again soon.
Couldn't you just do it in Braille Skyler's Dad? You know, ultimate safety?
Whorish and McSlutty - I hope that's in your eHarmony profile Hapabukbuk.
At least he's returning your calls Suzel.
It's not that weird Pistols, that's exactly what it looks like when you don't have the free health care. If you can make it across the border, I'll hook you up.
One pill makes you smaller, how does that go Splotchy?
Uncombed hair is my hallmark at home Julia but the socks thing? I draw the line there.
I've used it before Kate and I'll use it again!
I'm not sure you're completely addicted yet Wonderturtle. Please continue your regimen.
Your blog has a bigger dick than a lot of blogs I've read Beckeye. I'm not sure what that means.
Maybe it'd be Cups and Saucers and the like X. Dell?
We are all on drugs Chancelucky, you know that. They're free here.
I do sell the expensive ones though Mr. Cynic so if you can cough up some cash, I'll cure you.
Full of yourself again, Dale??
Go eat a couple of pumpkin seed, they are supposely as good as antidepresant!!
I live for me Jill. Me and only me. I have an idea for your pumpkin seeds.
What bad idea did your brain brew again??
I won't say because I'm a gentleman.
At least you have one quality, Dale!! It only took more than one year for me to figure it out!!
It's the only quality I'll share with you at this time Jill.
ARe you gonna force me to read this blog another year just to find out another quality??
It may take even longer than that.
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