Now that I’m back in the office after a few days off, it’s right back to the grind I know so well, work avoidance.
Over the past few hours, my mind’s been heavy with a problem that I think only that bastion of justice Maury Povich may be able to help put to bed.
Tanya Espanya has been implying that I had something to do with the creation of a hideous monster who’s been dominating her life over the past few months. Please see here.
I did not have sex with that Spaniard.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Don't deny it Dale. Those stripes are yours. Don't let the Bagel lady get wind of this as you'll need Jerry Springer, not Maury, to help you out.
I'm pretty sure it's not you. You're a worker bee, the ones who hang out to service the queen at the bottom of the hive look different. Of course, Canadian bees may be different in general. I guess I'm droning on here :}
Forget your Billy Jeaning that Spaniard ...
Just how many vaca-days do you get in a year, Bee Boy? I need to get a job at your place of employ.
You did have her sign that pre-nup, didn't you?
I think a DNA test is in order..I'd even watch Maury to see that outcome.
You been sticking your sting where it don't belong..huh? huh?
Methinks the bee doth protest too much. Sure looks like a jet-setting bagel lover whom we all know.
I was once told to beware Portuguese man-o-wars, and Portuguese men in general, and it's some of the best advice I ever received.
"I did not have sex with that Spaniard."
Dale Jefferson Clinton, how dare you deny this! The wings? The antennae? The spacing of the stripes?! All those things are yours, as well as the shame!
All these bees and still no free honey. What gives?
Dale, I'm going to give you three important words to remember in times such as these, I learned them when I first became a detective:
Deny, deny, deny.
Still, there's no denying the bee doesn't fall far from the hive.
Is this another one of those Jerry Seinfeld promos?
Dude, who you trying to kid? We all know you're the Prime Minister of Poontang.
Just because you don't remember having sex doesn't mean nuttin'.
Okay,'re right...
I will take my lovechild bee and buzz off.
And here I was thinking that bees only entred flowers and hives. This creation of yours is nevertheless adorable, well worth the secret trip to Spain.
And here I was thinking you'd been ignoring me in New York all this time.
Dale, is your middle name Alexander? That would be very telling.
Something sticky this way comes.
My stripes alternate from his Suzel, maybe it skipped a generation? Is Jerry still on? I caught a minute of Maury the other day and he was DNA testing again!
The buzz is good on your comment Chancelucky. I love the droning!
We'd have a lot of fun and get no work done Beth. Shall I get you an application? Lots of vacation days when you've hung around as long as I have there.
She used some sort of disappearing ink Skyler's Dad!
Maury seems to be all about the DNA the few times he's crossed my field of vision Melly! I wonder what Connie thinks of it all?
It wasn't me that time Marloes!
From here on in, I protest no more Barbara! He does look like he's been stocking up on the bagels though.
With wisdom like that, you're on a good course Pistols.
Especially the shame WP! I love shame!
I'll bring a little extra for you next time Chelene but I warn you, it gets sticky!
Words to live by Bubs although I'll deny you gave them to me should it come to that!
Stung again by the Evil Genius. You know Jerry needs all the help he can get!
Just because I wear a t-shirt that says that Dr. Monkey doesn't make it so.
Buzz off? Such scandalous talk Tanya, and you, a mother!
I'd never actively ignore you X. Dell but I always feel like you're watching me when I'm there. What gives?
Safe on that count Zed. Whew!
All I can say to that Jake's Mom is hahahahahaha!
Or is Alexander's middle name, Dale.
Cute kid, Dale. He has your stripes.
Aww how can you deny little Dalexander? Everyone is a buzz as he looks just like you!
Dalexander...ha ha haha! I love it. Very Hollywood.
By the way, your tags reminded me of an annoying song. Am I to believe that birds, being as dumb as they are, just know how to have sex, but fleas need some type of class before they can do it? And where exactly does a flea get an education?
I'd never put you under surveillance Dale. BTW, stop picking your ear.
It had better not be GT!
I've been called many things Tenacious S but never stripey, til now.
Bzzzzz, that's pretty funny Bluez.
I'll teach anyone or anything everything I know Beckeye if they've got the cash.
Haha, I know for sure you're watching me X. Dell. I was doing it as I read your comment, well, not so much a pick as a scratch.
Why do you deny what everyone know!! It,s been a long time since I know about your secret afair with her!!
She's wearing my stinger out Jill. What's a bee to do?
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