
News To Me

This morning in the newspaper (yes, I’m still pretending I can read) there was a great column about a showdown between the Anthony Bourdain and Rachael Ray camps. The columnist used the eff word in a quote from Bourdain. As there’d been no reply from the editor’s desk about my earlier enquiry, I emailed the columnist and he replied in short order.

He confirmed what Mistress LaSpliffe and Deadspot said about being able to use direct quotes per standard CP copybook style but in his reply, he managed to use to good effect, just about every swear word known to man or at least me.

I thanked him for the information and let him know I look forward to the day he manages to get the cee word into newsprint.

Here’s to a free press or at least, a free newspaper. I’m still surprised but no longer curious.


Writeprocrastinator said...

"Cue Anthony, as quoted from an article in the next issue of Outside magazine: “She's got a magazine, a TV empire, all these best-selling books - I'm guessing she's not hurting for money. She's hugely influential, particularly with children. And she's endorsing Dunkin' Donuts. It's like endorsing crack for kids."

An excellent article, sir. Though I'm not a fan of the "f" word being in dailies, I have no problem with it being in weeklies. Go fig.

Joe said...

For Anthony Bourdain to speak for more than a paragraph without dropping an f-bomb would be truly notable. Boring, but notable.

I love the f-word, and yet I also am bothered by seeing it in mainstream places. Sort of the way I feel about vice in general. I'm all in favor of it, but I like it isolated away from normal society.

Mob said...

Maybe he's pissed that the tobacco companies won't let him into thier ad campaigns...

I find the profanity in news stories to be a bizarre trend, thanks for keeping tabs on it for me.

paperback reader said...

No longer curious? Well, I guess I can cancel those flowers I ordered for you...

BeckEye said...

You've given me a brilliant idea. I'm going to pitch my own column called, "Fuck You!" to all the local newspapers to see who picks it up. Every week I'll write about who I want to fuck off. Hmm, then maybe I should call it "Fuck Off." No, no...it's much better if, at the end of every column, I can say, "Hey, (insert name here) Fuck You!"

X. Dell said...

I'm kinda curious to see this editor's reply, actually.

T said...

Canadian print is becoming so evil.

T said...

Other notes:

1. Rachel Ray is a nice spinner.

2. Rachel should have endorsed Krispy Kreme instead.

3. Bourdain should blog.

Anonymous said...

Bourdain does blog some. On Rhulman.com, and on Top Chef.

T said...

Thanks ano'. I'll check him later.


echo said...

Seeing the F Word in print is just fucking wrong. Now in a blog? Just effing brilliant....


Tonight! We sail!

Chancelucky said...

I'm just glad that Silent Bob doesn't use the "F" word in his movies.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see his reply.

Or, and also ... TEAM BOURDAIN

Anonymous said...

I meant

"OH, and also ... TEAM BOURDAIN"

Dale said...

He's quite a mouthpiece but he's got a point with this one! I'm with you WP, it's got to be at least in a weekly or a British music mag where we expect a bit of cheek.

That's the way I feel Bubs, I'm no prude but do we need giant billboards with the word FUCK written on them? You know, for the kids?

I do it so you have time for everything else Mob. You're welcome.

Send the flowers anyway Pistols, you might spark something.

That is a brilliant idea Beckeye. I hope that each column will also say 'from an idea Dale gave me...Fuck You Dale!'.

If you email me X. Dell, I'll let you know what Mr. Columnist said. I didn't want him to get in any trouble so I just sort of characterized his reply in my post.

We're headed for the dark side T. Follow us down. What's a spinner?

Thanks Anonymous, you're so...well...anonymous!

Narcissus! Is there an echo in here? I've been looking for you but you won't let me in.

Silent Bob's a mouthy fucker at times isn't he Chancelucky?

I emailed it to you Jacy or, and, ergo, also, sometimes y.

anandamide said...

Is that the "Metro" paper that gets left all over the Subway in T.O.? God, I miss Canada....

Jill said...

The soap did work!!

Anonymous said...

Rachel needs to lay off the fucking donuts too. She's losing her neck as well.

echo said...

Dale, Echo is no more. *The Man* got to him.

Anonymous said...

I would pay top dollar to see "Rach" and Tony sit down and talk with one another. I have the hots for Tony B..and I am a huge fan of the F word.

T said...


From my high school days (and heard just about everywhere now,--except Canada): A 'spinner' is a girl a man would like to put in his own lap-area and spin upon his groin.

Appealing, damn-near impossible, but you must admit, FUN!

Katie Schwartz said...

I love anthony bourdain. he is tits to the tenth.

Love that you e-stalked the columnist.

Katie Schwartz said...

wp, why aren't you a fan of fuck in dailies? spill, child, spill.

katrocket said...

I fucking LOVE Rick McGuiness. He cusses a lot in his various columns, actually. I find him hilarious.

BeckEye said...

I'm not giving you any fucking credit! What are you, fucking nuts? Fuck you!

Leonesse said...

Beckeye, I <3 your snark.

Coaster Punchman said...

I know naught of this "CP Copybook." Does that have anything to do with me?

As for this Anthony Bourdain character, he needs to take a chill pill and lay off my girlfriend before I sic Mama Gin on him.

Writeprocrastinator said...

"wp, why aren't you a fan of fuck in dailies? spill, child, spill."

I don't anything defiling what the six to twelve set might read. Procrastinator Junior was getting The Chronicle from his teacher and they get a little out there, though it isn't language that he hasn't heard at the bus stop or accidentally at home.

Dale said...

Yes indeed, it is Anandamide. Don't forget the other free daily "24". It also gets kicked around all over town. Ah, home.

Jill, what the fuck? I'm clean already.

Poor Rachael, she needs a good dunking Bluez.

That's what I heard Narcissus. All hail Narcissus. Tonight we deride!

I wouldn't pay top dollar Melly but one of the lower dollars? For sure! It'd be all F this F that!

Ah, a variation on the old sit and spin Mr. T. I get it. Not as frequently as some, but I get it.

He's fun when he's mouthing off Katie. And I'll let WP answer your next comment and I'm pretty sure, whatever he says, goes for me too.

I like him a lot too Kat. He at least shows some personality, even his head shot is funny. The rest of the paper's fairly lifeless.

Fuck you very much Beckeye! Love, Dale

Leonesse, I never got that >3 thing. You're not cutting too are you?

Unless you're doing double duty with the Canadian Press Mr. Punchman, I think it's an independent copybook. Your playbook reads a little differently I suspect. Is your sugar low? Have a Rachael, I mean a doughnut!

Yep Katie, WP said it better than I could. Thanks WP.

Reese said...

I've never seen the appeal with Rachel Ray. I get tired of hearing her say "E.V.O.O," for olive oil.

Dale said...

The E.V.O.O. thing is awful isn't it Reese. I mentioned it a while back as being ridiculous.

Andi said...

I wanna "eff word" Anthony Bourdain. Rawwwr.

Dale said...

I was going to say the line forms at the rear Andi but thankfully, I didn't.

Jill said...

I thought I was suppose to use the soap on you!!!
But then, It seems like you can do all the chores by yourself!!

Dale said...

Finally, I've lost your train of thought Jill.