Look! Over there! No, not there, to your right, on my sidebar. It's a new audio blog of an old post freeing my time up to not write anything new or original.
Admit it, you miss Honeypot as much as I do, I haven't seen her much lately. I will be accepting voice auditions for the role as I'm not doing it justice.
Enjoy. Or not. No big whoop.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Dale, you sound very good.
Better than my wife.
Is everyone in Canada so well-spoken and careful in their pronunciation? If so, I see why your dollar is now more valuable than ours.
Honeypot just springs to life when she is portrayed in your dulcet tones. Did you major in dulcet in university by any chance?
You sound like Stephen King - without the glasses.
I think I'm falling in love.
I have no speakers. El No SpeakerO.
Tanya, I'd suggest you start putting out for poor Rowbear soon. Hi Rowbear.
I'm being extra careful Pistols because the audio blog is done over the phone rather than a microphone. I figure if I enunciate, you won't hear me peeing in the background.
It's all home dulcetting Barbara, not bad huh?
Promise not to run me over Suzel?
It's so easy to fall in love Jacy. How's the Columbian these days?
Leonesse, you could scroll down to my September 22nd post and get almost the same effect. Just read it in monotone and you've nailed me.
I quite enjoyed the audio Dale :O) You should have your own radio show on CBC!
I only like the Colombian. But, since you asked, he's surprisingly delightful in every way.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOUR AUDIO PODCASTS! I am loving honeypot. I am subscribing now. You are too fabulous.
Dale, you have a fine voice, and I could listen to you talk all day. Still, there's a bit of an NPR quality about it.
I don't think you need to audition anyone for the role of you. Instead, I'd experiment with some reverb, and add a musical background.
You might be missing out on a career in radio.
I really felt you did the voice of Honeypot justice though. No need to hold auditions.
Keep the audio podcasts coming!
You'll do anything not to have to write a new blog post. :)
You sound very good! Almost like a sane person!
Love it!
That was fabulous fun! You are so savvy!
I love how you say, "out" and "about."
Your voice doesn't match the bumblebee suit though.
Thanks Mel, I'll ask Rick Mercer to help me out the next time I see him hanging around outside.
Like is even better sometimes Jacy, it lets you get away with more.
Thanks Katie, I appreciate the Looooooove!
Thanks X. Dell, but I'm not sure if the NPR remark is good or bad. Perhaps you could produce a show for me? You're not busy right?
Glad you liked it Allison. Do you need me to read a textbook to you to help you study? Or fall asleep?
I hear what you're saying Zed but can you call me back later, I'm busy answering your comment?
Thanks Marni.
Savvy? Me? You're too kind Tenacious S. Considering how much I hate talking on the phone, it wasn't so bad.
Uh oh Valerie, now I'll have to go back and check my oot and aboot pronunciation. I'm sure I say it the right way.
I thought this was very funny when it was in print,but the audio makes it even funnier.
I'm just wondering why you're putting the audio clips in your sidebar instead of in the main posts?
Why am I afraid that if your house burned down some day when you didn't happen to be home that your neighbors might not bother to call the fire department on your behalf?
I'm not sure if my thinly veiled disgust shows on my face or not Chancelucky. I'm not a great poker player though so you're probably right, they'd let it go up in flames.
I tried to embed it in a post but kept getting errors so I slapped it in the sidebar which seemed easier and less like work to me.
Dale, this was WONDERFUL! Thank you!
This is clearly what Honeypot has needed all along--narrator to drolly observe and document her antics. We need more of this!
You should look into voiceover work Dale. I'm tired of hearing George Clooney narrate all these beer commercials.
Lazy blogging rules ;-)
There is something terrific about hearing a fellow blogger! Its almost like meeting you! You were great (and the story terrific!!!) I think perhaps as you do it more you will become more comfortable. The only thing I could say that was a tiny bit off was that you sounded a bit stiff for such a comedic post. I really hope you do more of them! (Skip the peeing though! hehehe)
You do have a bloody good voice - I'm jealous! Have you thought of hosting a radio programme?
My voice is very, very high pitched.
You know you're wonderful. But how dare you get my hopes up, thinking this was going to be an interview with that Future Hall of Fame hair metal band, Firehouse. Baby, don't treat me bad.
Next you'll be posting non-bumblebee pictures of yourself. Then what do I do with my imagination? Did you think of that, Dale? Did you?
Thanks Bubs, I appreciate the vote of wonder from you. She may be on to me narrating her life, she's in hiding lately.
We always go up for the same stuff Chelene and strangely, he always wins!
Lazy has made me what I am Jin - lazy.
I'm glad you said you enjoyed it Kate but then you got all 'Dale's mother' on me there for a minute, haha. I appreciate the feedback.
It's not something I've really considered Danny T. but I'm happy I make you jealous, I love jealousy!
Can I get a level Grant? Test 1, 2? Anything? I'm going to check with the Chicago office and see if they can't make you.
Firehouse interview Beckeye? This sounds like a job for Anandamide! Is it treating you bad to say I've never even heard of them? I won't say it just in case.
In a retro bid to destroy you before I even knew you Evil Genius, do you dare look?
I love your voice! And your outs!! One of my favorite recent posts.
Maybe I should do a podcast .............
I cannot unsee what it is I saw. What mysteries now are there left for me? What reason could life possibly now hold?
You old velvet smoothy. A little Steven Wright/CP...just right.
You should indeed Beth. Now that I've done one, I find myself wondering more and more about everyone else's accents. I don't have one of course, I've worked it out.
I think this is it for us Evil Genius. It was swell knowing you. Take care of Grant Miller and Pezda. I'll leave the 'take care' part to your interpretation.
If only I could get the Steven Wright hair, Jake's Mom! Uh oh, I saw him several years ago, does this mean I'm still stealing from him? Or does it mean I'm so monotonous it's funny?
Again, your voice is lovely, your story hilarious, and your delivery bourbon-smooth. (Is bourbon smooth?)
You really should be famous for this, seriously.
Have you thought about submitting some of your stories to radio? A station that does listener-contributed content?
I prefer to think of it as soothingly funny.
I am going to infer that by "take care of" you mean extract their brains and transplant them into domesticated animals. Then Grant, Pezda, and I will travel across the wilderness in our new canine and feline bodies encountering great adventures, and maybe learning a lesson along the way.
So the next time you are flying over the U.S. and you see three dotted lines marking errantly traversed courses, assume that it is the misguided wanderings of me and my feral companions forever lost without you.
That is more or less what you were getting at wasn't it?
(By the way, did you ever try the David Lynch coffee?)
Let's crack some bourbon and find out Bella! Thanks for the compliments, I've not really thought about it but who knows, I might think about it. I'll think about thinking about it, how's that?
I'm like a balm then JM? I'll take it.
Your plan is evil and inspired EG, I will be looking for the dots rather than calling you dotty from here on. I went to order some of the coffee and they were out of stock of the one I wanted. Then I went back and they had some but the charge for shipping was $16. The Korean Bagel Lady is far cheaper for now. I'm thinking of getting some for a friend for Christmas though.
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