When did it become okay to casually print the words fuck and fucking in a widely circulated daily newspaper meant for transit readers?
In the Metro paper this morning, there was an article about Kevin Smith’s new book and they quoted him using the words above. The print edition has both words while the online version seems to show a little more decorum and only uses fucking.
While I don’t particularly have a concern with those words being bandied about in conversation among adults, isn't it inappropriate to use them so casually in print?
I’ve written to the editor but he’ll probably be too fucking busy to respond.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
It's o.k. Dale. No kid anywhere is ever going to pick up a newspaper to read it. Squash a bug or punish a puppy maybe, but not to read. Besides, most people have cable t.v. now and these words are used constantly there, but it is good that you are looking out for the moral fiber of your fellow man.
Or how about this movie?
I find the word endearing...
Dale, in this country, the schools are terrible that no kids are able to read. I'm not sure what your excuse is up there.
I think you're allowed to use it if it 's quoting something someone else said. Well, if you're quoting a 'fuck' someone else said.
By the way, I've gotten a reputation at work for not swearing very much. My boss asked me about it when we were having a drink on Portugal. 'You know, Mistress La Spliffe, you don't say 'fuck' very much."
True motherfucking story. But then my colleagues are British so I guess context is everything.
Fucking unbelievable.
So does this mean you will not be displaying your "Firecrotch if the Month" Award prominently?
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Thank goodness swear words aren't easily available to tender minds on the Internet.
(Or if they are, they are italicized)
You're right of course Doc but I was surprised to see them in print like that.
I can't wait for them to advertise that film at the Cineplex Tanya!
It's one of many colourful words I enjoy using too James.
We have the same excuse Pistols and it extends to sentence structure too. C+ on your comment.
Maybe that is so, Mistress, but then can I trust someone who hasn't been swearing enough at work to give me good fucking advice?
Ain't it though Suzel?
Oh no Jake's Mom, I'll display that proudly, I just won't write any newspaper articles on it, magazines perhaps.
Exactly what I thought Bella.
Splotchy you bastard! haha, I know but in the paper? Is nothing fucking sacred?
I'm not sure how I feel about that. Personally, I think we give too much power to the word by not saying it, but its a whole other issue in print. Hmmm...
I don't recall the set up to this joke, but you're post reminded me of the punchline:
I'll give you a duck for a fuck;
and fuck for a duck;
and 25 bucks for fucked up duck
They were just quoting him accurately.
Personally I think I am more offended reading "f**k" or some such attempt to disguise the word than I am to actually read the word "fuck". It's a matter of making a commitment.
I'm so offended with your post as I never ever swear on my blog.
Never ever.
That f*cker never calls anyone back.
We don't allow f*ck in our Southern newspapers ... which is why I can only spell it with the *. But I say it just fine.
Kevin Smith offends me a lot more than fucking does.
Just as long as no one is bandying about the 14-letter "s" word. (sn*ggleb*nnies)
I'm trying to remember if I've seen fuck or fucking in the New York Times. Now I'm intrigued, I'll have to look into this.
I'm 13 and I read the paper
People fuck in public, so what's the big deal?
Yow, that's pretty candid language even if it is quoting from the source, I would be kinda shocked to see that in a newspaper myself.
and Hey, Evil Genius, was that a Bloom County reference? If so, well done!
At the risk of stealing material from George Carlin, I'd rather see "fucking" in the newspaper than all the killing they not only write about but sometimes celebrate.
In New York, I can hardly tell that it's a swear word. While I've seen it often in The Village Voice, I'd be taken aback if I saw it in The Times
The New York Fuckin' Times,, man!
Bella took the words right out of my fucking mouth.
I was shocked about seeing it in the newspaper Allison more than anything. I see it all the time in magazines (especially some of those cocky Brit publications) and it doesn't bother me.
You had to say it Gifted Typist. All is forgiven.
I'm not a fan of the asterisk obscure technique either Barbara although I've long been fascinated by the motherf#@!*r variations. I think they were quoting him accurately. I forgot to mention that at the bottom of the article it said something about 'for the full uncensored interview, check out our podcast'. I mean, holy fuck!
Jin, you're as sweet and pure as your delightful concocktions, wait did I spell that right?
Y'all are too peachy to be so crude Beth, am ah right?
I like Kevin Smith Kat but obviously, he's not returning your calls.
Evil Genius - I can't believe you'd parade that kind of filth here. What kind of terrible searches are going to bring people here now? The horror.
It is intriguing Chelene, no 'word' from the editor yet and I'm sure I won't hear back. Maybe I'll write the Times about it.
Dr. Evil - hello! Would you have been shocked or not at seeing those words in the newspaper? And who taught you to read at such a tender age?
Time for true confessions Beckeye? I can't wait to read your blog again now.
Mob, thank you for sharing my sensibility, you're a man of high fucking distinction.
You're a risk taker and I like that Chancelucky. I'm with you, and George Carlin apparently.
I predict the Times will start out with the word firecrotch and from there, we'll be able to chart the true arrival of the endtimes X. Dell.
How will you retaliate against this theft Coaster Punchman?
At my last job, we were putting together a book, and at one point, they had a quote from someone that contained the word "asshole".
An overzealous and overly sensitive editor changed it to "jerk". I took the chapter back to the editors and patiently explained that the stuff between the inverted commas was, in fact, a direct quote and one was not allowed to change the content.
After much hemming and hawing, the editor relented and asshole remained.
The next time that chapter of the book crossed my desk, I saw that someone had taken the liberty of changing the quote again. I took it back to the head of the editing department. Again the explanation. Again the agreement that a direct quote is not a direct quote once you start changing words. Asshole went back in.
The next time the chapter crossed my desk, the quote had been completely removed.
What a bunch of assholes.
I think it just isn't the word it used to be, and it so commonplace now that editors are going with the flow.
Goddamn used to be verboten in print. No longer.
I wonder how long we'll have to wait for cunt to show up? I'm sure she wants in on the party too.
I acted without thinking of the repercussions. I apologize.
Yes, yes it was. But you'll never get me to admit it openly.
This is why I never read.
would you rather see Bush in the newspaper?
Do I need to wash your tongue with soap??
Interesting story Deadspot. This morning's paper had another quote but by Anthony Bourdain on Rachel Ray endorsing Dunkin' Donuts and it used the word 'fucking' in a column. In another spot in the entertainment news, it reused the same quote but used the word 'bleeping'. I've written to the columnist to see what he says about it as I never heard back from the editor.
I think it'll take a while longer for our good friend the cunt to make it to mainstream print Jacy. I'm still amazed fuck made it in there.
Evil Genius, because you showed weakness in apologizing, I will show mercy and forgive this time. Unless Mob wants me to deal with you otherwise.
You have time though don't you T? You know, in between getting up late and missing your tea off times and well, the time you go to bed.
Not the one you're talking about Distributorcap although he's more obscene than anything I've read lately.
Fuck no Jill.
You are asking for it, Dale!!
Give it to me Jill.
You are too far for that, Dale!!
And are we still talking about soap??
potd, how can you not support fuck in print? spill, my darling, spill.
Step away from the motherfucking soap Jill.
As WP mentioned in the comments for the post above Katie, I don't think it's necessary to have the F word that accessible to the young minds of the world everywhere. They should hear it at home and in the schoolyard but leave it out of the dailies.
Pompous fucker.
Yes I am Creepy. Oh, him? Yeah, him too.
I hate those transit papers they practically cram down transit rider's throats. We have Metro and 24hours here, and the people handing them out are freaks! As you walk by, they thrust it in your face and you almost have to run past them. Kevin Smith is so eloquent eh? *G* I'm sure I spelled that wrong.
They used to force them on us too Mellowlee when they were starting up but now they have them in their own little boxes for people to retrieve.
You spelled it correctly and with eloquence.
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