This afternoon I went to see Little Miss Sunshine. I loved it. It was very funny and sweet but not cloyingly so.
As I'm a fussy bastard, I generally don't go to the movies. I don't like to have to hear people talking through the film, smell the various foods they've decided on or feel them kicking the back of my seat. I do however love the movie going experience itself. Nothing beats the big screen and sound. So once in a while, I pry myself loose from my home and head out into the great unknown.
I waited for a bit of the interest in the film to die down and chose a Sunday matinee hoping against hope that the only people there would be ones who were more interested in seeing the film than the food choices they'd have once they got there. This time, I lucked out.
Maybe I'll do this again sometime but for now, I've come home at last.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Oh God, you would hate it down here. Yak, yak, yak, yak, yak during the movies.
It seems to be everywhere O.L. Drives me crazy (it's a short trip).
My wife has a similar aversion to movies in movie theaters so we almost never go, but rent large numbers of DVDs instead. She tells me that she likes movie theaters, just hates the noises and distractions the people inside create.
Was Little Miss Sunshine actually funny?
It was actually funny. I hope you have a big screen TV for all the dvds. It's exactly what I do too typically to avoid the annoying humans Chancelucky.
Glad you liked LMS, Dale. I thought it was really funny too.
We finally stopped going to the movie theatres years ago because of the talking...
When we first moved to the USA, it was at the beginning of March, so we thought we'd catch up on the Oscar contenders before the award ceremony.
We were sitting there, waiting for the lights to go down when there began a commotion, a kerfuffle, if you will.
"Can you just move over so I can sit beside my husband and he can park his wheelchair here?"
"No, you should have come earlier if you wanted the wheelchair seating."
"Please, I'm just asking that you move over one seat!"
"No, first come first served, tough!"
"I'm going to get the manager!"
"Fine, get him!"
Think of the Costanzas and Seinfelds bellowing at each other and you get the idea...
Hi Chelene - I thought it was funny and just really satisfying overall. I thought I remembered you liking it and Beth had said it was worthwhile too.
Tanya, I hope you and R. weren't involved in that exchange!! I don't remember either of you being in a wheelchair so that bodes well.
i friggin love eating nibs and kicking seats. i talk louder than god and don't wash for a week before the film...
I was the one what pushed the guy out of his chair, rolled him down the stairs, then dumped my bucket of popcorn on him, is that wheelchair accessible enough for you, pal?!
Yeah, that's right...I'm all about equal rights. Everyone should have access to my annoying ways.
I really want to see this movie!!! What did you have for snacks? Last time we went to the movies I had a two for one voucher which included one drink. We bought another large Cola, and some popcorn and It came to just over 10$! Next time I will smuggle in some twizlers heehee!
Movie? Who cares about the movie? It's ALL about the snacks. Popcorn with that disgusting oily fake butter. If you're really lucky the theater will have a variety of artifical salt flavorings like nacho cheese, sour cream 'n onion, etc. Snowcaps. Jujubees. Black Crows. Dots. Basically any chewy candy that works even better when stuck on the floor in the aisles. Oh, and a 2,500 liter Pepsi, large enough so that you have to step on 15 peoples' feet to get up and use the restroom before the first 20 minutes of the movie is over. AWESOME.
I'll keep an eye out for it. But I'm wondering when Alan Arkin started looking so very, very old.
I hate going to the movies.
Your feet stick to the floor. Yuck.
Then there was that one time when I stuck to the seat, kinda...EW!
p.s. Did you miss me? I'm back, I a few days anyway.
Al, if you spit one more Nib at the back of my head, I'm calling the pimple faced usher to deal with you. Just for the enjoyment of watching you tear him apart. You always smell like that.
I figured you were that dastardly Tanya. How much more could it have hurt him? He's in a wheelchair already. Nice moves.
I had a combo of large stale popcorn, very large pop and too small a bag of peanut M&Ms. The popcorn started out fine but then by halfway through, we broke up. I only enjoy pop if it's unwieldy and difficult to even get in and out of the cup holder (whoever thought of it should be rich beyond compare) and I could have used more M&Ms Lee. It's no fun if you don't pay more for your snacks than you would to buy a car.
I like to surreptiously throw food continuously at people who make too much noise in the movie theatre.
CP - Yep. All of what you said. They had the flavourings for the popcorn but I usually like the all natural rancid oil taste to be unfettered. I usually enjoy a Glosette's raisins or nuts or a nice Bridge mixture but went with the M&Ms for some reason, Pirate marketing perhaps. I know the jujubes but not the other candy you speak of. Why go for the small Pepsi like that though CP? By the 1/2 way point of the movie I was sitting there shifting having to go but I hate to miss anything so I sat there and peed on their feet. Is that okay?
Wasn't Alan always a little old looking X. Dell? I can't remember off the top, seeing him as older. Puts me in mind of some of my Maggie Smith musings.
Sorry Jin, my fault, I've been peeing on the floor a lot, the seats are only so absorbent. As you would know.
Hey Ben, they're far more popular here it seems but not necessarily far more important. It's so fantastic having great venues for live performance of any sort. Even bad theatre is worth it sometimes and music, well, it's all about the music isn't it?
Good for you Ziggy, how up to date are you on your medical insurance?
Dots are chewy fruit flavored gum drops, without sugar coating. Softer than Jujubees. Black Crows are getting harder to come by, but essentially they are black licorice flavored Dots. Snowcaps are chocolate nonpareils, kind of like chocolate chips with little white candy coated round things on them.
I don't recognize some of the candy you mention. I suppose the roads of the Canadian commies and the US fascist movie theater concessions marketers must have diverged at some point.
Dots are chewy fruit flavored gum drops, without sugar coating. Softer than Jujubees. Black Crows are getting harder to come by, but essentially they are black licorice flavored Dots. Snowcaps are chocolate nonpareils, kind of like chocolate chips with little white candy coated round things on them.
I don't recognize some of the candy you mention. I suppose the roads of the Canadian commies and the US fascist movie theater concessions marketers must have diverged at some point.
Thanks for the edumacation CP. I know the Dots I'm pretty sure. I'm good with everything but licorice type stuff. Okay, if there's nothing else around, I'll eat it but I won't like it.
Glosette's is the company and they make chocolate covered raisins and chocolate covered peanuts. Simple but tasty.
Bridge mixture is different types of candy pieces covered in chocolate. Yum.
Time for brekkie!
Any time. I think we'll go see this "Little Miss Sunshine" that everyone speaks of today, and will think of you as we take out a new mortgage to buy our treats. I've been a fan of Toni Colette since she was Muriel. As a point of interest to you and your readers, I saw her boobs in a totally random and gratuitous nudity moment in "The Wild Party" on Broadway. It was only slightly embarassing because my parents were with me.
I once dumped an entire tub of popcorn on the head of a woman who wouldn't shut up, even after I asked her--who, in fact, was very offended that I would dare to tell her to be quiet during a movie.
That's why I hardly ever go to the theatre anymore.
Toni is fantastic and Muriel should be loved by everyone. I wish I had seen both The Wild Party and your slight embarassment CP.
Holly, I love that you did that. So you don't go because you're scared of her or yourself? Nobody rocks the popcorn like you.
I'm still at the point where I'm willing to give anything with Steve Carrell a chance. It's a good thing that even overpowers my aversion to Greg Kinnear.
I can't afford movie theater food
it's like $20 for a KitKat..
CP said: Snowcaps are chocolate nonpareils, kind of like chocolate chips with little white candy coated round things on them.
The little white candy coated round things on them are the "nonpareils".
My food knowledge is infinitesimally useless, I thoroughly enjoy having an occasion such as this to utilize it.
I don't mind Greg Kinnear and think he was overlooked for the job he did in As Good As It Gets. Helen Vanderbeek Hunt gets an
award? She'd better thank the Academy.
Steve Carell was good B.P. and less goofy than I would have expected.
It's true Jen, you need to stop and get some Timbits before you head in!
News I can use Jin and I'm sure CP will enjoy having been called out on this by you.
So glad you ventured out! It was worth it, wasn't it?
I saw it this weekend too! Loved it. Good fun.
The last movie I saw in a theater was "Cars." I have an eight year old boy. This pretty much dictates my movie viewing. Although, that being said, it was a pretty good movie. I ended up liking it way more than I thought I would.
You was right Beth. Should I ever doubt your word? Glad you enjoyed it too Giz. Nothing worse than shelling out $1000 and getting dumped on with a crap movie.
Hey Ten. S. I heard that it was pretty good. I'm glad you geared your expectations appropriately. I know - I'm a lame ass.
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