Ziggy has very dared me to take a little quiz by tagging me. Follow the bouncing blog.
1... Things that scare me
2...People who make me laugh
Catherine Tate
Kathy Griffin
My friends
3...Things I hate the most
Getting up on a workday
A sense of obligation
4...Things I don't understand
Math beyond the number of digits I have
The meaning of life
5...Things I'm doing right now
Listening to The Magic Numbers
Having a Coke
Thinking about vacation
6...Things I want to do before I die
Travel more
Publish a book
Get another tattoo
7... Things I can do
Make you laugh
Play devil's advocate (constantly - I'm trying not to)
8... Ways to describe my personality
Magnetic (but only for weirdos)
9... Things I can't do
Make small decisions
Keep making pornos for you
10...Things I think you should listen to
11...Things you should never listen to
People who tell you you can do anything
People who tell you you can't
12...Things I'd like to learn
To ride a horse
To play piano
To be at peace
13...Favorite foods
Pasta (almost any kind)
Donairs (mmm mystery meat)
Frosted Lucky Charms (you know the rest)
14...Beverages I drink regularly
15...Shows I watched as a kid
The Night Stalker
Space 1999
Mary Hartman Mary Hartman
I'm never sure if people enjoy being tagged or not. Let's find out. Chelene, JustaCoolCat, MellowLee, Tanya, Gizmorox - Ok Go. I hate to leave anyone out, so please play along, I like finding out more about you and then using it against you in my blogging activities.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I like being tagged and I'm at work as we speak! What is a fanilow? A fan of Barry Manilow?
Yes, I see my guess was right. I just Googled. Hilarious.
Hey I said Portishead too!
Yep, everything's got a name in this world Chelene. I bet they're holding prayers for Barry right now. Isn't he off having his hips and tips done?
Bluez! And we both drink water too. I'm calling Chuck Woolery right now!
Love to all..........
Love to all
I just assume everyone listens to Portishead or they get killed. So I said Dead People.
I assume they'll tell people to listen to Portishead.
I haven't thought about Mary Hartman in about 20 years.
I think Will of W&G was a fanillow. In fact, I think Barry showed up in an episode....or was it all a dream? Manilow IS scary.
Thanks for taggin' me. That was fair neet Dale :)
I'm guessing I'm a weirdo then...
I have a very important question for you, Dale: where is/are your tattoo/s and what is it of?
Love is everything Tickle Me Angel
Even smooth talking the dead huh Coolcat, mad skills you got.
What did it trigger Mob? It was such a strange show but I was completely compelled by Mary Kay Place as Loretta. I'd be curious to rewatch and see what I think now.
I couldn't remember where I heard it Lee, thanks. I think Darlene from the Roseanne show was the ultimate Fanilow or something? Funny schtuff.
Hey weirdo! The tattoo is of David Bowie's Ziggy lightning bolt and it stretches down my...no, that's not quite right.
It's a Japanese character that I was told means vigour althouth I'm pretty sure it means stupid roundeye. It's just in from my right hip.
If you google image genki vigour, there's a 2 part symbol - mine is more like the one of the right side although mine is much more rounded in design.
I just got tagged on this one, too, so I'll wait to read your list until I've finished mine.
I await your brilliance fair Beth.
No more pornos???
And do you have the 'Night Stalker' DVDs? They're awesome.
I don't have the dvds but now that you say that, hmmm, I would like to give them another look. If I go drown in a mountain of debt, I'll blame you. First you won't pay me for the pornos and now getting me to buy dvds.
Well played, man. This was like poetry. Funny poetry.
Mindy June & I are Fanilows, and it makes sense that you should fear us. For many reasons, but that is just one.
You and George have several things in common. You both have a problem with nougat, you both love Mary Hartman. And you are both in awe of CP.
I hope you're proud of your split personality. I am. And so am I.
Why thank you Wonderturtle, you're too kind.
Coaster Punchman - Of course I live in fear and awe of you and all that surrounds you. The ground on which you tap is hallowed.
George is a brilliant man clearly.
When I'm not quaking with fear and crying with awe, I'm proud of my many personalities. We all are.
I never said I wouldn't pay for your pornos...
Weirdly enough, all I can recall about the show is the opening of the show, with someone calling "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman!"
Other than that, it's as if I've lost all memory of the show, which is odd for me, wealth of useless information that I seem to retain.
I guess I'll keep you on the mailing list then Creepy and send you a bill.
Yes, I remember it was Mary's mom calling her name, wacky Dodie Goodman. If they release it on dvd I'll be there watching and reevaluating every choice of my young life.
I liked the sound of the first tattoo idea... and it would be a surefire way to get me in to bed for obvious reasons (inappropriate comment but too true).
I also liked your *actual* tattoo!
*ziggy blushes profusely*
I figured that would get a rise out of you so to speak!
p.s. my profile pic is my tattoo. :-)
Very cool Ziggy.
Thanks for picking me Dale, and take that all you suckas that didn't get picked! Yoink!
(with love, y'all, I say it with love)
Hey Tanya, your responses were funny like you. Yoink off!
Thanks, from my yoink to yours.
And I also checked out your little friend's taggings, and they were yoinkalicious (yes, that's you Chelene, JustACoolCat, MellowLee and Gizmorox).
1. Thanks for not tagging me.
2. From this post I've learned that people named Cathy make you laugh, and that I'm a weirdo.
3. I haven't quite caught the porno on the site. If it's of attractive young people doing things I've never imagine, link me to it. If it's you and your friends, link me to Google.
4. I loved "Space 1999."
The Night Stalker? Kolchak? COOL!!! I'm actually too young for the 'originals' (HAHA!!), but I watched reruns on Sci Fi channel years ago! :-D
I hear they just started making remakes...or a 'new' Night Stalker series anyway.
a) you're welcome X. Dell
b) my friend Cathy makes me laugh too
c) no links, sorry, password only
d) me too
After Creepy mentioned the dvds I checked at a couple of likely local spots and nope, they're all out. Maybe I'll Amazon them Jin. I remember loving them way way back in the day.
As long as it's not at the same time, I'm good with that Anomie. I'm not usually a meme player either.
HA! We both listed "Make you laugh" ... and I didn't read this post before I put mine up.
Hey! I finally got through on a different computer. I just have a minute to post so if someone else has posted this...Oh, well.
1. Kathy Griffin makes me laugh
2. You make me laugh more
3. Another tatoo? What do you have now?
4. I haven't lisentened to Beck for a long time but will and will have "I'm a loser baby...so why don't you kill me" in my head the rest of the dayh
5. Weirdo magnet...okay, okay, that's me.
Clearly, we're both of the same mind Beth -- brilliant.
That's so nice of you to say Slaygirl. I do my best. I have a Japanese character that means vigour (if you check out comments I made to Ziggy up there, there's more of a description). Listen to more Beck than that SG, he's done some fantastic work since then. Weirdos are more fun, it's just that simple!
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