From the moment I heard the cd Rabbit Fur Coat by Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins, I've been pushing it like I'm on Jenny's payroll. I didn't even let up when my blogging pal Gizmorox referred to the backup talent as Creepy Twins! Creepy Twins! I did laugh pretty hard; adult twins should rethink the dressing alike thing.
This Saturday night, the gang will be performing at beautiful Trinity St. Paul's Church in Toronto which I hear has excellent acoustics. It was also the recording site for the first album by Cowboy Junkies which was a critical and popular hit.
My niece will be at Jenny's big show on Saturday and although I’m jealous, I’ve got a good reason for not going. I’m getting in a quick trip to NYC to see the new show Grey Gardens.
I can barely believe that they've turned what was a compelling and odd documentary into a Broadway musical but I’m game. There’s also a feature film planned with the likes of Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore just to add to the insanity.
I'll be back in time for (Canadian) Thanksgiving on Monday and hopefully will be less negligent in visiting each and every one of your sexy sexy blogs. Unless the turkey does me in.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Life in the Big City. Sometimes I envy your gregariousness and credit card! Have fun!
I wanna go to NYC! Let's all meet there one weekend. We can stay at Coaster Punchman's. Can't wait to read about your trip. And save a slice of turkey breast for me.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Dale and I'll check out Jenny Lewis some time soon. (did I say that right?)
Should we start thinking of tunes for Fahrenheit 9/11?
If you envy my card, I can have the bills forwarded Old Lady, let me tell you: it would make my life a lot easier!
It would be fun to meet up wouldn't it? But I insist you stay with Mama Gin while I stay with Coaster P and Poor George.
I don't know, did you Chancelucky?
Brilliant idea X. Dell, hilarious.
Hey, you know I was listening to that Sarah Harmer mp-whatever downblog and was thinking if you liked her stylings you'd probably also like this Oh Susanna chick. I'm sure you've already heard of her because I am not terribly "with it" where music is concerned (Pet Shop Boys freak) but it's in the same vein.
That's a deal. I'd love to stay with Mama Gin.
I don't know who you mean Monkey but if you think of her name, let me know and I'll check it out.
Funny you mention Pet Shop Boys as I just read that they're coming to town. I wasn't sure that they were still in the jazzercise music biz or not.
Perhaps we'd better ask CP first Beth? Haha, we may be a little ahead of protocol inviting ourselves. We can always stay at a luxury hotel and just receive visitors too can't we?
No dude, her band name is actually Oh Susanna
Easy there turbo, "Creepy twins" is the last thing I need to hear someone shouting about. Never mind the fact that I have no business whatsoever procreating, to this point I had no plans. Thanks for the coronary bud!
Oh dear, I started a new job (will blog re: this soon) and have been running around so much that I have not had time to blog-while-pretending-I'm-working. You may not get this in time, but if you do want to see our shining faces in person for a drink, coffee or general stalking quest just email me at (That blog has gone on hiatus, but the email still lives.)
Beth, it would be great to see you here too. Mama Gin awaits your arrival, as we will promptly present you as George-ee-ya's new wife. Then if you can produce a baby she'll give us $200 which we can split.
See Monkey? Not so with it. I'll check it out. Silly Dale.
Sorry Creepy, I know you're easily startled. My bad. Nice twins: My dad and his brother, my nieces, those girls from The Shining.
That's a nice morning laugh CP. You're writing the Mama Gin script aren't you?
I don't think I'll have enough time to stray from my plans and friends but next time I would love to meet blogging sensation CP and the long suffering PG. I'd also like to be there for a cut of that 200 bucks. Mama Gin knows how to sweeten the pot. :-)
Maybe someone has a stunt baby, a baby double if you will, you can use for that $200.
Dale-the operative word is *sometimes* I have divested myself of all debt other than an abode.
Happy Thanksgiving, Daley.
Coaster Punchman: YOU'RE Five Things I Hate? We love that blog! And, sure, for a $200 split, I'll be George's baby mama; I watched "The Wedding Banquet" on Logo recently (love that movie), so I know how to pull it off.
Hold you guys. The couch at CP/PG's AND the $200 are mine.
But you can come sleep over on MG's filthy floor the next time we have a TOMANDMINDY NYC extravaganza.
I envy you! All that NYC traipsing and wondrous music absorption...
We need more thinkers like you Bub. I'm looking into baby rentals and stunt kids now.
Then you need to start racking it up again Old Lady.
You too Reesey! The turkey was really zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Is that the Royal we Beth? I bet you could pull it off.
I knew we'd hear from you on this MJ. Thank you for your kind altern-offer. Filth is my middle name.
No time for envy Tumuli, take a trip instead. And keep your ears open.
Dale you're starting to scare me. Referencing creepy twins and Grey Gardens all in one post? That's too much creepiness for a girl to handle in the morning. Or ever.
Isn't that something Giz? I couldn't believe it myself. Plus, I mentioned your name. So you must really have the creeps!
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