I couldn't decide how best to humiliate myself. Should I go with the bad haircut, food stain at the corner of my mouth and what looks like a pyjama top? The guy on the shirt says it all. I think I was about 8 or 9 here.
Or should I opt for the utter lack of a haircut and prisoner Tee? The way the scenery in the backdrop runs out at the bottom is breathtaking. Is this what Jack Johnson meant when he sang The Horizon Has Been Defeated? Oh to never be 12 again!
I am so glad I grew up!
Okay, hit me with your best shot. I can't wait to see the rest of you lovelies as Beth links you all up.

Or should I opt for the utter lack of a haircut and prisoner Tee? The way the scenery in the backdrop runs out at the bottom is breathtaking. Is this what Jack Johnson meant when he sang The Horizon Has Been Defeated? Oh to never be 12 again!

Okay, hit me with your best shot. I can't wait to see the rest of you lovelies as Beth links you all up.
Awww, you look like a medieval page in that second one. Shouldn't you be wearking a jerkin and running after some knight to whom you've been pledged...evading the squirmy fingers of some lord with dark and perverse desires?
My nine-year-old li'l minx self has a crush on your eight- or nine-year-old food-stained self; love the cocky toss of the head. And the twelve-year-old Prince Valiant ain't too shabby, either. HAWT, actually ...
I can't really see a food stain in the first picture. Nor can I make much of the cartoon character on your shirt - looks like a dog - maybe Huckleberry Hound? In any event, cute pic.
Don't take this the wrong way, but your 12 year old pic looks vaguely like the kid from Ma Vie en Rose - or possibly Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. Those 70s kid haircuts were just a little too unisex to know what the hell was going on.
Alternatively, you could just be heading into your stoner years.
In any event, we give you a 10 over at CPW. Thanks for playing!
OMG Dale you are so CUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure which I like best...
the teeth in the first
the hair in the second.
Maybe combine the teeth with the hair & your fringe jacket & you could be the star of a new Indie Band!!!
I love the hair style in the 2nd photo Dale....classic.
Karen O from the band The Yeah Yeah Yeah's said she saw this photo a few years ago and decided to capture "the look".
Thanks for sharing...
I feel so dirty now after your comments Monkey. I was always a good runner though! :-)
Hawt in that just about to turn kind of way Beth. Love your photo, you are a Junior Miss Minx.
CP - there's a marmalade looking stain at the corner of my mouth and it's Goofy on my shirt. I can't take anything the wrong way. I hadn't quite hit my stoner years and I'll have to look up the kid from La Vie En Rose. Scout, I do know and yes, the whole unisex thing was way overboard. One of my sisters finally took me to a barber and got them to set me right on the hair thing. I never looked back.
I considered posting a more recent photo just so these wouldn't scar anyone. I still shudder.
No, you are Lee! Your photo was adorable.
How do you know I'm not Jin? I'm thinking of calling it Jintrinsique. Cake is already taken.
All of us seemed so young and innocent as children. It's too bad we had to lose both of those qualities. You look like a nice kid who would have been a big help in building my dollhouse.
yeah, you're rockin that ringer tee in the top photo.
You are a cutie pie. Yep, I would have had such a HUGE crush on you!
The long-haired pic makes me think you were one of The Brady Bunch!
Precious, these old pics...just to keep us all humble!
I vote for the second photo and appreciate the comments of Monkey. Now that's all I see... some squire (in blue jeans) diggin' the scenery. Nice.
Yup, I see Bobby Brady in that pic.
Ben, I knew she owed me for something!! Especially since I follow her every damned hair toss and growl. Your photo is a total classic. Go talk to the kid at the bar. The one with the Coke.
As long as I seemed innocent, that's a good thing Barbara :-)
Rockin' and ringin' Bubs - if only I'd had your fez.
Marni, off topic but I can't help but hear your name every damned time the way Sean Connery said it in the movie Marnie. And thanks for the crushing.
Just don't let me be cousin Oliver, didn't he sort of kill the show M of I?
Too kind Dan, they would have had me for breakfast unless the shirt and squint dazzled them.
I can probably live with Bobby B. Bluez. :-) New stage name - BBB
My friend Dale, I mean no disrespect, but I can't help but point out your striking resemblance to Shelley Duvall in that stunning second photo.
Mine awaits your ridicule.
Ok, I am actually heaving and crying at your brilliant comparison SC. I thought CP had it in for me but that's just hilarious because it's true.
Dale, I don't know what you're complaining about. It's clear you're going to be a real hottie once you grow into those teeth.
Dale - 3 things:
1. Have you still got that shirt in the second photo? It's hot and I want it.
2. I watched C.R.A.Z.Y today in my immensely hungover state. It made me cry. And laugh. And cry again. I have now decided to exchange both my Australian and British passports for one of the Canadian variety.
3. My mother doesn't have a scanner so couldn't email one of my childhood photos. So I guess I'm being beaten up after school today?
That's pretty funny Pink. I'm still growing into them. Your photo rocks hard!
Ziggy, 3 things:
A) Doesn't everyone have all their childhood clothes? I'll mail it if you like.
B) Told you it would do that! Are you going to learn French too?
C) After school, you're dead. Unless you give me your lunch money or something.
and 4) hope the hangover heals soon.
Dale, at what point are you going to tell the Blog Kids that these aren't 'old' pictures, but ones that you took last week?
Onk onk, so many secrets, so little time! And what are you talking about, your photo does look like about a week old!
I like the shappgy bangs in the eyes thing; I think I would have had a crush on you as well.
Oh God, Dale! You are so adorable in these pictures! I think I prefer the second one which has a little of the punk rock/Sex Pistols vibe to it! All you need is a bit more snarl and a safety pin through the nose.
Oh my, I didn't realize you all desperately needed glasses!
Why Lulu, you were too pretty to have a crush on me.
If you look closely Chelene, there were a few rips or tears in the shirt so maybe you're on to something. Since you're blind, I have auto love for you.
Here's a story, of a look-a-like "Brady". Peter that is. Very cute.
I would never have identified myself as a Brady kid. Sam the Butcher maybe but... Thanks Jacob's Mom, you know your photo was sweet.
Are you going to post your passport picture? You know, the one where you're "...wanted by Hollywood!"?
I don't think I should fall any further in love with myself than I already am Tanya, do you?
I crush you with my love.
Even then you heard your calling as a pirate. That's impressive. Nice pics.
Shelly Duvall.... yeah, I can go with that as well....
Wow. You look almost exactly as my mind's eye depicted you...at least at that age.
Why yes, yes you do Tanya.
Arrrrrr, if only I'd had your hair Coolcat!
I'm going to change my blog name to Passion of the Duvall now CP. And then cry myself to sleep. As usual.
And you've always looked like I expected too X. Dell!
Believe me --I've seen worst. Including my own picture.
Still love you, though. :)
Thanks for co-hosting this Dale, it was really fun seeing everyone's pics :) I still can't get over how adorable your pics are.
Love the pics of you Dale. Thnx for sharing.
I love the way Sean says my name as well... hmmmm...
And kudos to you for knowing of that movie! That is what I was named after... although I am NOT a clepto that goes crazy when I see red.
What I want to know, Dale, since you and I are the same age, is this: were you one of those boys whose sincere grin, produced here for the camera, only smiled that way when no photographer was around IF he was tormenting some nice little girl with an even goofier haircut AND an outfit (that's right: there were pants to match this top) of prison stripes--except in red and purple?
Seriously, though: were you a nice boy?
Whahahahahaa! I have one better than any of those. Don't feel defeated or alone.
Did you get a free bowl of soup with that haircut?
That's as much for Rodney Dangerfield as for you, Dale.
Those pictures are stellar compared to the one that hangs in my parents hallway to this very day! They paid some photographer 100 bucks or something to sit me don't and capture, for eternity, the ugliest image of myself ever.
Justify your love Tumuli - where's the photo?
You're such a good liar Mel, only one of the many reasons to love you.
Glad you enjoyed Slaygirl. It was fun and frightening all at once.
Well Marni, what can I say Marni? Although I can't do a believable Connery accent Marni, pretend that I can. Okay Marni?
I think I was a nice boy for the most part Holly, a bit sarcastic but generally quiet through school. I'd have to consult other sources maybe for an evaluation. I didn't enjoy school much and felt awkward socially.
Et tu Andi? Where is the love? Show me.
Ohhh Dale.... Poor, poor, poor Dale... I am gonng be nice and keep my comments to myself- cuz I was a little freak of nature when I was a kid....
aren't ya glad we all grew up....
oh i bet you were just the little heartbreaker weren't you dale??? lol
Bumblebee Man! Yessssss! I love your picture!
wow....Dale, I hate to say this, but the photos look pretty much like a perfectly normal kid to me. So my question...what the heck happened between then and the advent of Dale Passion?
You was a freak Shroomy? But not now right?
I don't know about that Yas, more of a heartstopper as in Aieeeee!
Finally, you approve Tanya. Now shaddap.
A lot went down Chancelucky. It'll only take me about another 10 years to disclose all. You up for that?
Awww, I think you're a cutie!!! I could hug Versions 9.0 and 12.0 all day long!
Love the hair, too...
ha, ha, Dale.... I was the kid, who showed up to school in a dress I made out of a plastic bag, or in a killer blonde wig that I shoplifted, or in roller skates, tube top and electric blue hot pants, cuz I saw it on a Gap Band video.... I was quite the little drama queen...
shit, I still am, aren't I???
You're sweet Angela. Don't squeeze too hard though, I'm still little in those shots.
You're a moxielicious queen Shroom-Monkey. You're wearing a tube top right now aren't you?
owww to cute. Sorry it took me a while to come over but we got back late wednesday
Hey Katy, I wondered if you'd make it back and sift through all the comments and photos. It was fun. Better late than never is a good policy, it relates to the picture fun and to the way we all blossomed later, haha.
when i see picture of people when they were young, including some of myself, I realised that fashion was so bad in that time.
It was very bad! And in 20 years, we'll say what we are wearing now is worse! Maybe.
I don't think so. neon shirt and MC hammer like pants will be very hardly replace in my worst ever clothes.
Now I really want to see pictures!
Too kind Anomie A!
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