I was listening to this lovely little tune today called Oleander by Sarah Harmer.
Apart from being a lovely song, what do I know about oleander? Nothing much. I looked it up and now know that it's an incredibly poisonous flower. So I can guess at at least one of the plot points of the movie White Oleander which I've not seen. There's a band called Oleander.
Oh, and it's my middle name. Okay, maybe that part's not true.
Get music codes at Bolt.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I've been feeling a little folksy lately so this was nice...thanks for posting, Dale.
love the song. I can be suck a folky hokey ho :)
Pretty song Dale-e-o! Thanks for posting. I really like her voice. I saw White Oleander a while ago and thought it was just ok. I'm shutting up about it now, cause I am scared I will spoil it for you.
Oh! and I love your new display pic :)
Dale Oleander Passion. What a beautiful name! Great song, BTW.
Famous ghost story and murder with oleander in Louisiana.
I'll have to give it a listen when I get home. The work computer's built in speakers only inspire deafness.
Beth - I think technically it's Dale Oleander Passion Esquire.
Nice song. Nice new profile picture. Lulu might call it "fetching."
Damn! I always forget his Esquire. Or is it Lord and Master?
Think Esquire and initials and you'll be pleasantly answered.
I'm back to the death metal Chelene so don't worry about me!
I love it when you're hokey and a ho Katie.
Bzzzzzz, thanks Lee. I probably won't see the movie unless the movie channel traps me into it somehow one of these days. Isn't everyone blonde in the movie? Or is that just the poster?
Ben and Beth - if you say it's okay, then it's o-tay!
It all goes down in Louisiana doesn't it O.L.? Interesting initials Old Lady.
If you start with the name calling Coolcat, I might stop passing the dutchie.
Hi CP. Yep. Thanks. Would she?
Here Beth, hold this. Then pass it to Coolcat.
Cool jazz chord (Maj 7) in the refrain.
Glad you found something to like in there X. Dell. You're a man of music and mystery.
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