The word whore seems as though it's undergone a makeover. It's become a bit less dangerous. Whereas people used to use it exclusively as an invective, it's now cropping up more and more as a way for people to describe themselves.
Good sir Mob over at Dear Bastards might be described as a bit of a Link Whore. Check any of his posts and you'll see that he's all about pointing you in the direction of which he speaks. It's like a bit of extra value for the money really.
Ever heard of a Comma Whore? Well, boys and girls, she's real and her name is Melinda. She was recently labelled an American Comma Whore by some of her Brit workmates. If you ask me, she uses just the right number per post.
Since I shouldn't really just sit here calling everyone else names, I'll cop to the fact that I've become a Comment Whore. Most of my fun on the blog comes from reading and responding to the comments on these posts. A lot of them are much funnier and more original than the posts themselves. Thanks guys.
Oh, and just in case you're wondering where all the bad girls have gone (toot toot beep beep), Beth recently worried about becoming Whore of the Blogosphere. And here you thought she was only Little Miss Sunshine.
So who are the rest of you whores?
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Am I first on this? It doesn't bother me that you're a whore of any kind, Dale. I could always tell by the way you walk.
I got some catching up to do on you. It's been daze.
*In my best crack addicty voice*
"I'll do anything for a link Baby!"
Hands down, I am a Photo Whore. If I'm not posting up photos, then I at least have to have some kind of filler pic. I always need a visual on a post.
Hooray for Hoors!!! (drools)
ohh hell no, I think I have earned the title "Whore of the Blogosphere" fair and square. Anyone wanna challenge me on that one gonna have to jump in the ol mud wrestling pit and prepare for some killer tittie twisters.....
bitches are going down.....
Apparently, I am the Boobiethon whore, flashing for cash. They've raised over $4000 now, so is it whoring or just a great marketing tool? Again, I'll whore the girls out any day any time if it raises money for breast cancer research.
I'm a shoe whore for sure.
And I'm a little bit too proud that I'm becoming the Whore of the Blogosphere. Sad, isn't it?
I am definitely and absolutely an Adverb Whore. I know it's rather old-fashioned, not to mention decidedly poor form stylistically, but I simply cannot resist them. Adverbs are even more ravishingly beautiful than adjectives.
I've been an attention whore and a karaoke whore. The latter, only when drunk. I'm deeply ashamed, really.
BTW, I've found that if you pronounce "whore" as "hoor" it's more fun. At least for me.
I think I might be an outright punctuation whore. Sometimes it's parentheseseseses (oh fuck it... "brackets"); sometimes it's hyphens (I do love to separate words properly). And I kinda dig quotation marks (who doesn't, right? Am I right?).
But I don't get paid for my love of punctuation. So I think I'm more of a punctuation slut.
I'm a trip whore...although I am not as well traveled as I'd like to be...
Whore? I thought you were more like a comment slut.
Should we call you Mr Ho for short?
Dale Ho sounds good too
I could have sworn that I commented on your most recent two posts....Are you mad at me?!?!
That's the last time I post a cute pun with my alter ego!
So odd. Whores are supposed to get paid. I think "slut" would be a more appropriate terminology.
It's all the money that makes me walk this way n.v. That's a shrewd eye. Play ketchup.
Have you done much voice acting in the past Mob? Very scary and effective.
I've noticed that Angela although I didn't want to say anything. I remember that I can put photos up, do it for 2 or 3 posts, forget again and then start all over. Did I mention I was dropped on my head a lot as a child?
Careful Beth!! Shroomy's pissed and she might just come after you! She knows the business end of whoring!
Good work Tenacious S and a righteous rack it is!
Well well well, Reesey, there you are. I will steal anything that's not nailed down so careful!
Boot whore I might have said Chelene but shoes works too!
Poor sad Beth, if Shroomy gives you a hard time, I'll see what I can do. If she lets me out of the cage.
Ah Erik, adverbs. I love them too. Except when they're written by Daniel Handler. I was a bit disappointed by his book Adverbs. You'd have done a much better job easily.
Hey Bubs, everyone needs something to be ashamed of. Just don't let them get it on tape. As for your fun pronounciation - reread the last line of my post.
I'd call you a slut Berry but that just doesn't sound nice. Tonight I saw some misplaced punctuation on a transit advertisement. The ad was for credit counselling and said Join The Have's.
Oh Tanya, you've been everywhere man! I'm the one that needs more travelling!
Well Bluez, I'm no Don Ho so Dale Ho is fine by me.
Angela, don't be a stupid wh...never mind.
Is that your real alter ego O.L.? Only your comment moderator knows for sure.
I was going more for the pursuit of an idolatrous desire Wonderturtle and was hoping for no cash to be exchanged.
Adjective whore. Someone slap me.
Erik? Can you get this one?
Who's buying?
I am a "uh," whore. And a multiple lllllllleter whore. It's just fun. Hhheeeelllll Yeeeaah!
I can't believe you ate the "whore" thing. Your cyberpal should only be referred to as American Comma Whore only if she loves American commas for money, or for other forms of compensation.
In other words, the usage of this word has begun to lack the connotation of sacrificing something precious, or personal for something unworthy of your gifts.
Thus, your reference to self as a comment whore is a much better example.
Funny T&R - see my comment back to Bluez. I will not admit any relation at this time to Don.
I am Coolcat, what can I get ya?
So uh, what you're saying is you're uh sort of a whooooooooore Slaygirl?
Sounds like you're a technical explanation whore X. Dell. Shut up. Whore.
potd, I'm a big food whore. guilt whore. shame whore. whore.
but, what about cunt? can't you be a cunt something? I sorta feel like you need to dedicate a post to cunt since you've done a whore post.
what do you think?
I want to see cunt in big neon lights.
yeah. I know. it's a great set up.
Oh you're right it's a good set up Katie and although I can tell you're a big whore, I'm not sure I'm ready to call you other things.
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