I once read on someone's blog that Sarah Silverman was the best Jew ever. Could be so.
I just finished Jesus is Magic. It was as I expected, very funny, a bit shocking and beautifully delivered.
The Onion's A.V. Club email interview with Sarah from 23Nov2005. I say Sarah because I know her. From the movie and stuff.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Raised as a Jew, I can't argue with Sarah Silverman being the 'best Jew ever'. She's beautiful, smart, funny as hell, and smokes weed on a regular basis. Who can top that? David Lee Roth?
He's close but with no waxing your asshole routine, looks like Sarah gets the win Creepy. Although I'm sure he would do it if someone paid him to.
Joe Franklin raped me, too.
Hey Joe Diddly. He's a terror that Joe is.
An argument can and should be made that Sarah Silverman is the best person ever.
Grant, short argument. I'm seconding it. Wait til she finds out!
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