When I saw it in the newspaper, I thought, that sounds pretty lame, why'd it take 10 years? Then I read more about it and now I think it's a pretty damned good idea. Way to go Jowi Taylor!
I'm talking about the Six String Nation guitar that's been built and will be played on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Canada Day.
The guitar is made of bone, steel, shell, stone and artifacts representing every province and territory across the country.
It has wood from Pierre Trudeau's canoe paddle, ship's decking from the Bluenose II, Paul Henderson's hockey stick, and many other items moulded together to create a unique instrument.
Let's hope it sounds like a guitar and not like an apology.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
That is just so COOL!!! :)
We strum on guard for thee Mellowlee. Happy Canada Day.
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