My friends and relations send me funny video clips. How do they keep tracking me down?
Is there anything that isn’t available in You Tube video format?
Well, yes. I still would like to know why the Butterfinger commercial parodies from SNL starring David Alan Grier as Maya Angelou have not surfaced. We talked about this. There could be a reward.
I’ve just realized that I’m inadvertently making headings for my recent posts that sound like those 2 way Wheel of Fortune clues.
Am I am so bankrupt of ideas that I’m stealing from Wheel?
I hang my he_d.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Why, oh why, hasn't someone put them online? I bet Maya and her cabal have a hand in keeping the sketches hidden.
And I noticed the subconscious Wheel influence in Waxed Paper Chase. Vanna is a succubus, you know.
Maya's keeping them under one of the colourful hats she's been sporting of late.
Vanna is many things to many people. Just not to me.
I keep trying to find those SNL clips, but no luck...I also hang my he_d.
now know i am always out there trying to help people so i am going to give you a piece of advice about creativity and writer's block. the only sure fire way to cure a lack of ideas is to go to an aunt/ grandma/ weird old neighbour's home and proceed directly to the medicine cabinet. grab all the pill bottles and take 2 of each. do not read the labels. this will only slow you down and believe me, time is of the essence.
now wash this cocktail of arthritis and diabetes pills down with a quart of premium vodka. i suggest tito's. it is made in texas and it is the shit...but if you do not have access to tito's, go with grey goose or van gogh's.
then pop in a copy of either eraserhead or 200 motels (the frank zappa freakfest) wait 20 minutes and if you arent creative...or dead...take 1 more of each pill and just roll with it.
you are welcome in advance
Keep trying Tanya, or just recreate them and post your own video versions.
Al, one question - do I remove my pants before or after the raid?
And as always, I defer to your brilliant advice.
Eraserhead is my favourite romantic comedy of all time so this sounds like a great night all in all.
Al, I've gotta party with you sometime dude. LOL
I remember The Joan Rivers Show eons ago, when Joan asked guest Vanna White just how hard it could possibly be—her job and all. Vanna came back, absolutely straight, “Well, you do have to know all the letters.” I just thought, no, Sweetie, you don’t.
The wheel...ah, memories of grandma...I was stunned to be flipping channels awhile back and find it still on the air. I guess I thought it'd breathed its last with Grandma herself.
Pretty funny Robert. But you know she still went ahead and stumbled her way through that Alphabet Song at her interview.
You're watching it every night Mob. Just admit it.
I remember watching Eraserhead, maybe I was about 12. I was mesmerized by it...In heaven, everything was not so fine, after all...
I'll admit it: I LOVE 'Wheel', I watch it a few nights a week. Even went to try out when they were looking for contestants down here, but when I saw like 5,000 people ahead of me I put my tail between my legs and went home...
How do you feel about it now that you're almost 13 Tanya?
Creepy - You're on - you have to give us your spiel -- Hi, My name is Creepy and ...
Pretend we're Pat. Only taller.
"Hi, my name is Creepy, I'm a relentless prick, mama's boy, devout atheist, and my favorite flavor ice cream is pistachio. Despite possibly appearing like a simple thug I will school almost anyone in a game of 'the Wheel'. Thanks for having me Pat. And you and I WILL being doing shots together after the taping Vanna...
Welcome aboard Creepy, give that wheel a spin. Vanna, batten down your hair.
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