Everyone goes mental in the heat. It’s a fact.
The dog leapt over my head in bed three times last night. He only stuck the landing twice.
People have started baring more flesh than perhaps they should. You know who you are.
Someone set fire to a homeless person’s belongings under a bridge.
The air conditioning has been turned up so high at work that a sweater might need to be employed to stop the shaking.
And it’s only 8:40 a.m.
It’ll get worse. I know it.
The annual Humidity Festival has begun.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
They turn the air conditioning up so high at work that you need a sweater to stop the shaking.
I friggin' HATE that! And then you walk outside and about boil to death. I mean, I want it to be cool inside, but does it have to be downright COLD?
Isn't a dog leaping over the headular area some sort of old wive's tale? Like, "If the moon is full and the weather is warm and a dog leaps over your head three times in the night gold coins will fall from your ass."
Can always hope anyway.
I hate that too Holly but I do love the word friggin'! Brrr.
Andi, after I stopped laughing I wondered if I had heard something as I got out of bed. If a gold coin falls on carpeting, does it make a sound?
I'm generally jealous that your office has air conditioning, as I'm functioning on hope, prayer, and a small fan aimed directly at my head.
I saw a woman walking down Royal York road wearing a fur coat but just in case she got too hot she was carrying an umbrella. It is a very difficult time of year for Canadians.
Bre, can't you just get everyone to wear their helmets with fans? As they gather round to worship you, you're cool and adored all at once.
Sandra, we're a little bit country, she's a little bit rock 'n' roll!!
The humidity broke a little Lynn with a lovely downpour I got caught in on the way home. Downpours are fun. I'm not even lying.
i have the greatest cure for the humidity blues...move to canada. yeah it gets hot here but the first month just thaws you out from the 6 months of winter and the rest of the summer you are just grateful its not february.
You can't spell Walter without Al can ya?
You want to talk about humidity? I'm in for my first summer in the American South. I might die. I have to keep reminding myself that no matter how hot it gets it's better than February in Vermont.
And downpours really are fun. Puddle jumping is still my favorite pasttime.
Plus it wreaks havoc on those pirate-y M & M's am I right? Puddlejump - your new band? You could tour with Mudhoney.
Dale, if it's a dubloon it'll definitely make a sound. If it's a gold Sacajawea dollar, probably not.
When I worked at my college radio station there was a CD by some random band named PuddleDuck. It doesn't appear they went any farther than this. Their name sure made me laugh though.
Andi, no sound and no soreness so I guess the old wives' tale has been disproven?
Puddleduck, muddlefunny, silly silly one two three.
murder rates highest in july and august.
awesome stuff to look forward to.
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