I keep seeing a guy at work who's very very thin looking and it got me to wondering if he has an eating disorder. He's always dressed in the latest fashions but it looks like maybe he's wearing a XXXS or something, very unusual.
This made me wonder a little about eating disorders in men and here I found some interesting stuff on the topic.
I wondered if in general eating disorders were as prevalent all over the world or if this was just a North American phenomenon? After looking around a bit, seems that it's not just N.A.
Luckily, the only food issue I seem to have is knowing when to say no to white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Dale, I suggest you shuttle off a message to Oprah about this problem. She's the only person who can get anything done around here! THERE CALLED EATING DISORDERS, PEOPLE!!!
You can say no? Very impressed. Me, not so much!
Robert, I'll always remember (until I forget) what Debra Wilson on MAD TV said many years ago as Oprah: I WAS THE GRASSY KNOLL! If she can't get it done, she might eat it to make it go away.
Gizmo, I actually meant I couldn't say no, so, thanks for highlighting that not only can I not read, I can't write either!
I usually practice avoidance as opposed to having to make a decision on the cookies.
Dale, imagine my horror at seeing a misspelling in my comment. Oh, if I could just turn back the hands of time.
And I'm betting that you looked up misspelling just to be sure!
I'm choosing to think that you wrote it the way Oprah would have said it. Sort of in the way she gets a lot blacker with certain guests --- Let me aks you this Halle...
This implies that anorexia is a woman's disease, Dale. I expect more from an enlightened man such as yourself.
End rant.
(she said with a smile)
You hear more about the girls. Sort of like a The Foods Just Not That In To You thing. I hope the smiling means you had one of the cookies I avoided nv.
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