Has anybody else been driven to distraction this season by the sound of Tony Soprano’s laboured breathing in just about every scene?
Either this is meant to distract from the meandering the writers seem to be doing or it’s a testament to James Gandolfini’s acting chops. I hear he’s actually only really 5’7” and 160 pounds soaking wet. Riiiiight.
Speaking of breathing issues, there’s another character (everyday life) that I see with frequency.
He walks by and it’s clear that he’s not able to pull off the double threat of walking and breathing through his nose at the same time. That bottom lip is just a-flappin’.
There are no birdies and stars circling his head so he hasn’t just been clubbed or had a falling piano break over his head.
He’s a mouth breather.
The difference between this guy and Tony Soprano is that this guy ain’t getting his own show. I hope.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
There was a guy here who was a serious mouth breather...you could hear him 10 minutes before you saw him. He was a large man so I cut him some slack. However, what's P.Diddy's excuse? His mouth is never closed, he's slender and he's got a butler. That just doesn't seem to make any sense, does it? No one with a butler should mouth breathe. (You can ponder all day but you'll never figure out the intricate synaptic misfirings that led me to that conclusion.)
The butler should be picking up the slack, right?
UGH - mouth breathers are one of my biggest pet peeves - especially when they mouth-breathe and eat at the same time - it gives me the heebie skeevies.
Hi Bre - what a simple to say component of your name! har har.
The chewing thing sends me over the edge. Plus I get to use the word masticate. The whole thing is unsavoury.
I swear the mouth breather here is going to drop dead any afternoon. He's about 6'4 and 400 pounds or 8' 600# on t.v..
He walks by right around 3pm everyday and makes a noise vader would be proud of and I swear each step will be his last.
People who chew with their mouths open make me see red. Also people who sneeze very dramatically.
Is The Soprano's still on? I had no idea! Or is that an old season you're watching?
Who knew the wrath a mouth breather mention could bring?!
I'm a good 400 pounds overweight but I breathe normally, why can't they coolcat? Okay, just so nobody gets any ideas, that's not true.
Reese - weird sneezers are on my list too.
The Sopranos is in the throes of the final season. 12 new episodes, a hiatus so James Gandolfini can eat his own body weight, 8 final final episodes and they're outta here.
You're 400 pounds overweight? I don't believe you. I want pictures, Dale.
Never fear Reese, I'm super sexy in every way. All 388 pounds of me.
Pictures, please ...
I'll see what I can do but not this second Reese, I'm on a mini vacation! Hardly a second to blog. Which is nice actually. I can be out with the people I pretty much openly despise and get new fodder for stories, posts, comments or general snidery.
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