I was asked to proofread something the other day. The person had written lone behold. I provided guidance.
Later in conversation, it was discovered that the same person thought the correct term was rod iron instead of wrought iron.
I asked her not to take my porn name in vain.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I had a boss that used to say escape goat all of the time. Shit drove me nuts.
Rod iron ups the ante.
My two favorites:
"for all intensive purposes"
"shutter" (instead of shudder)
I had a boss say "shit hit the pan", he was Greek.
rod iron *ziggy snickers*
My boss, who regularly rents out our selection of wrought iron candelabras always spells it using your porn name.
I shudder to think what people think when they receive an itemized bill.
Or I might even shutter to think...
I love your porn name.... that is awesome....
Your porn name is "lone behold"?
That is SO FUNNY. I dated a guy once who said, about five times during the first date, "for all intensive purposes...." I proofread him right out of my life.
you want should i kill her for you? i know some people... they hate poor grammar... i mean HATE it...
Escape goat is now one of my all time favourites Creepy, good work.
I shutter to think what else your poor ears have endured Chelene.
Please tell me he didn't own a restaurant Old Lady or should I call you Opa Lady now?
Ziggy Snickers, is that a variation on a popular snack?
Wonder why he just doesn't call them candle bras and get it over with Mob? I mean for all intensive...
At least you didn't laugh like Ziggy did. I was thinking of changing it.
To anything but Lone Behold CC! I wondered if anyone would touch that one.
That was SO SMART nycB but you could have gone on at least another date or two for all of our sakes couldn't you? Tsk tsk.
AL! You're back and offering to kill already? O Lucky Man!
THAT'S YOU? I love Rod Iron's oeuvre. One of our "wildly creative" communication directors recently wrote WALLA! ... when she meant to write voila!. Stupid f*cks.
That's me! Not bad huh? I wonder what happens when she goes to Walla Walla? They're all ignorant Amoses, har har.
Was this the same person who gave us 'discocunt'?
A common one I hear down here is 'fustrating'.
Hey other Creepy...nope, an entirely different person. Fustrating? Very nice.
I wouldn't use a name like Rod Iron were I a pornographic actor. I can hear it now, "Hey Rod Iron! A bit rusty?"
As a teacher I've gotten a lot of them. "Pre-Madonna attitude" remains my favorite.
I actually cultivate my Pre-Madonna attitude. After all, the bitch didn't invent it. Besides, I've got Al Gore Rhythm and I likes to dance...
***Saviour dances around, eating a Ziggy Snickers.***
How do you like Mean Ow?
Pre-Madonna attitude lmao! That is great. The best I heard personally was from this guy who was telling a story about his girlfriend and how he was just absolutely "Fortified" at her hairy armpits. *giggle*
PreMadonnajaculation, don't want that to happen either X. Dell so I'm thinking of getting out of the biz altogether. You've probably gotten some doozies in your line of work.
I sense your attitude existed long before she slithered onto your turf Saviour. Funny dancing and words my friend.
He was probably mortified at some of the stuff in his cereal Mellowlee.
Omg I've got nothing to add to this because I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING! I think this may be the most entertaining thread I've read in a while!
And "Pre-Madonna"???? ROFLMFAO!!!
It was pretty damned funny, I wish I could trump it but I can't. The brilliance of X. Dell compounded by the Guiding Light of the Saviour. And of course all the constellations.
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