Dixie Lee is a small(ish) chain of fried chicken restaurants founded in Canada that makes delicious chicken with 9 selected spices.
The usual Dixie Lee sign shows the lovely Dixie Lee looking for all the world like an Asian French maid.

My sister told me about a location I should visit not only for the fine chicken but for the sign. The store sign is fine but the one in the parking lot finds Dixie looking like maybe she's been working a bit too much overtime.
Sis refers to her in this incarnation as Picasso Dixie.

I admire women with hips that large and enough audacity to still wear a really short skirt.
Then you'd really like her thighs and breasts too, I just know it.
I love Dixie! Do they still use her likeness on today's restaurants?
Damn ... now I need to go find a thigh to nibble on ...
There is just so much chicken commentary going on these days.... isn't mock turtle soup made from chickens?
They do Beth, I took the two photos on my trip. I checked their website and had to search a bit but they have her there still although seems they have a new corporate chicken logo.
And aren't mock turtlenecks made from real Girl Guides or something?
She works hard for the money. Very, very hard from the looks of that second sign. Something tells me what's happening in the parking lot is not chicken-related.
Hmmm, interesting concept--chicken at a chicken restaurant. Before you know it all the chains will catch on. And Dixie is quite lovely. I wish I had that outfit!
My mom is Norwegian, but because of some long story involving her birth, yada yada yada, her parents ended up naming her Dixie Lee.
I wish I had known about this chain earlier. The logo would have really pissed her off.
I'm sure it's lovely, but isn't it always odd to move away from the comfort of your own chains and see something new? Like I'd probably never venture into a Dixie Lee, but then you'd probably never venture to wawa.
I don't know Chelene, a lot of big rigs and a tired looking Dixie in that parking lot.
Andi, I'll see if I can track down the pattern for the outfit. I was referring to KFC. That ain't chicken.
So can your Mom get me the secret recipe Coaster Punchman? Is that what you're saying. And should I now refer to you as Coaster Punchman Lee?
Chains, my baby's got me wrapped up in chains...Hey Bre...if you mean this Wawa, I might. And if you mean this one, I might too.
In Cincinnati, there's a small chain of chicken stores named Lee's. Perhaps Lee and Dixie could form a corporate partnership, kinda like a marriage (which would mean she could now call herself Dixie Lee Lee).
If I see one the next time in your home province, wherever that is, I'll stop by just on your recommendation.
Dixie Lee Lee. I like that. My sister suggested P. Dixie for the hip hop kids.
The website lists a location in Ogdensburg NY. I've been to the ones in New Brunswick 'the home province' and once to one in Ontario but it just wasn't the same.
Also on the site, it says that the 'French Maid' logo is used in the Maritimes and Quebec while there is a logo of 'plump and friendly' chicken and fish dancing used elsewhere. Oh, the things I've learned.
We had a Dixie Lee and a Brownies chicken back home when I was a kid. They both closed down when KFC came to town. :(
And did you profess your love for Dixie Lee, Lee? When KFC came to town, everyone went the first day and then went back to Dixie Lee. I believe the Colonel died shortly after.
She's all leg and thighs! Yumm wanna take a bite!
Where's your home province, Dale? Quebec or Ontario? They don't have Dixie Lee in the west ;-(
That's what she made me do Shroom-Monkey!!
Hi Reese, actually it's NB but I live in ON now. You must come East then. You can afford it on all that gov't cash can't you?
Been brought up by eating Dixie Lee when I was a child, it was the place we ate more often when we go down to town! I've taste KFC, and, like you Dale, I still prefer Dixie Lee. I don't eat much off it now, cuz I found it too greasy. But the poutine with chicken(they only have those down here I think)is good too in the restaurant near where I went to school.
Interesting choice for the logo of a fried chicken restaurant -- fried puppies and kittens I could see.
I wouldn't mind meeting the inspiration for Dixie. Me so horny -- I'd like to love her long time...
Dixie Lee is from heaven and poutine although it looks and sounds gross, is very delicious too Jill, you're right. Both are very fattening and therefore good.
I'm sure she'd be really really old by now Creepy but I'll try and hook you up for a love connection if I can.
I was too young to remember if I liked Dixie Lee or not...and I don't think we have them in Western Canada :(
She's a helluva lot more charming for a logo than the Colonel, I'll tell you that much.
You're making me feel bad. Your chicken is in the mail. Canada Post is pretty reliable so maybe a week or so.
Dixie is quite a looker compared to Harlan. I wonder if they ever met.
Chicken in the Post Eeeew. *imagines opening a box of week old, room temperature greasy chicken and faints*
Sorry, I really don't know what I was thinking. That is gross.
Maybe she's a southern transplant. I've never tasted good fried chicken or grits anywhere outside of the south(is this gonna start some shit? Can I say shit?)
You can say shit but I can't Old Lady. Dixie would abandon me. Or wash my mouth out with grits.
But what the use Dale if the is no grease involve?? And you need some fat on ourself, so we survive trhough cold canada winter. And I don't want to live until I'm like 115!
Keep eating the poutine Jill and you'll have strength for the cold winter and you'll live a decently long life, just not til 115. I'm happy to check out before then too.
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