Someone I know used to work for a small town newspaper. The boss was a twerp who tried at every turn to ingratiate himself with the staff. They in turn found him of little use.
While most everyone was at lunch one afternoon, he took a call for a last minute ad to go in the following day's edition. A shoe store wanted an ad highlighting their big sale and wanted mention of their special senior's discount.
Mr. Bossman rolled his sleeves up and did the typesetting for the ad himself and crowed the rest of the afternoon to everyone about his fine work.
Although the proofreader saw it, he didn't say anything. The ad ran:
Big Sale On All Shoes!
Seniors 10% Discocunt
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Discocunt. ha ha ha
I'm sure they had a spectacular turnout, much better than past year's sale.
I knew several discocunts back in the day. Thom Yorke could not have told that story better.
Next up: Prince?
That's exactly what I said Reese: Ha ha ha but mine were closer together like Hahaha. And then I may have snorted.
Every discocunt in town got new shoes that sale I think Mob. Lucky discocunts.
Who's Thom Yorke Beth? Har har.'
Interestingly, or not, I was going to mention Prince in my Moby spotting post. Prince used to have a fancy schmancy house in Toronto but I'm not sure if he still does.
As for titles, I'll have to see, don't want you having all the power!
discocunt - is that like one of the original michael alig clubkids?
It could have been Ziggy but just the word was more interesting than the movie.
I have been conditioned by repeated slaps to the face and simultaneous knees to the groin never to use that "c" word that rhymes with runt. Grandma only let me say "bitch."
You see what I did there? Laughter...fighting back the tears...damn it all, I'm sobbing again.
It is time for you to stop all of your sobbing Haahnster. Chrissie Hynde will kick your ass if I don't get to you first. And you know what a...a...musician she can be.
Mr. Bossman totally screwed that one up. Everyone knows that seniors prefer more of a bigbandswingcunt.
This is one of my favorites!
P.S. I figured out how to do an invisible counter on my blog. 6! I've had 6 hits in two days! I rock!
Bwahahaaaa. I love it when "twerps" screw up like that. I fell asleep on the couch last night, woke up at 2am and Party Monster was on Movie Central. Weird movie to wake up to :S
I'm actually 20% Discocunt, Irish,French, and Native American.
Which makes me the most confusing dancer on the planet.
Discocunt- maybe he wanted them to come in costume. Some tube tops, crotchless hot pants and roller skates. It could have been hot, real hot. Seniors in disco slut attire.... MMMM that is hot!
Ah, this post takes me back to the 70s, when going out on the dance floor meant encountering a significatly higher percentage.
You don't come across too many blog posts revolving around the word cunt.
Now I'm singing the old song 'Disco Duck' with a new twist:
"Disco, discocunt."
That will be in my head all day. I smell a parody.
And now I'm singing "Disco, discocunt." It's quite catchy, Creepy.
DALE: Guilty Pleasures Week next week. Join me (and maybe the giggling, sobbing Haahnster):
Monday: TV
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Movies
Thursday: Books
Friday: Free-for-all
i missed it entirely myself and if i were a proofreader would have had to take the fall for it. i'm going to blame it on dyslexia? and take that 'strong attention to detail' crap off my resume.
Hey Chelene - that's pretty fucking funny. Maybe not legacy but you know.
Good work Tanya. You're one of my favourites.
Who's the party monster then ML? It's you, yes it is.
Coolcat, could you provide video of you dancing so we can which parts are which?
I wonder if they had rollerskates for sale too because everyone knows that rollerskating granny discocunts are the hottest Shroom-Monkey.
The numbers game was a whole different thing then wasn't it X?
I appreciate you giving that song a new lease on life Creepy. And I smell something too.
Uh oh Beth, is there going to be theme blogging? I might cry. But I probably won't. Could be fun. Or not. Keep singing while I figure it out.
It's okay Anne Altman. You're hired anyway. We like making the people who deserve it look stupid. That's not you.
I'm always in fear of getting a discocunt. Usually when I'm wearing my Express Editor can see the lips moving but you can't hear what they're saying.
Nobody wants to be that kind of trail blazer do they Monkey? Very funny my little discocuntcameltoe.
LOL Killing me here!
I think it's time discocunt is officially added to the English language. Somebody call Merriam-Webster.
I'm just glad that the moron who made the mistake can't read well and will never find this post. If they do a bit on the news though about fun new words being added to the dickshunary Creepy, I'm fooked.
The word 'cunt' has never been funnier. Thanks, Dale.
It's always been a funny word but I'm glad to add to the laughter Dena.
Interestingly enough a Google search on discocunt produces 5,590 results. It's sweeping the nation!
It all started with one little word...
Alone it caused unexpected laughter...
But put into the mind of one man with a fondness for old dance music...
And a new star was born...
Disco, discocunt...
Sing along now or be left behind...
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