Bella has an ongoing series of interviews with bloggers and I was really pleased that she asked me to join in the fun.
I’m not sure how she does it but Ms. Rossa maintains her own blog, video blogs on occasion and almost single-handedly runs Chicago through the offices of The Bastion. But aren’t you tired of reading about her overachieving greatness?
Now that Chicago’s safe, read the interview.

Great questions from Bella Rossa and your responses were delightful as always, Dale. Now that you're famous can you send me a thread from one of your garments?
That was outstanding. I actually had an idea that was similar to Ms. Rossa's, but much worse than hers. Since I don't often have original ideas, I may have to injure her now.
Dale, (if that is your real name and you are a real person),
I enjoyed reading your interview, but I didn't see my name mentioned anywhere in it. How odd.
Tanya "It's All About Me" Espanya
(not my real real name is Kevin)
P.S. Thanks for inviting me for lunch today, jerk!
Dear Dale and all your cool bigkid blog friends who never leave me a comment on my site because you’re too cool and too bigkid and I’m just a dork,
One day, I was on the telephone with Dale, saying how cool his blog bigkid friends are, and how I like to look at their sites because they are witty, smart and scary. We commented on some of the names they have, including one Saviour Onassis.
“Isn’t that a great name?” Dale asks.
“Yeah, it’s fine, I guess.” I’m always hearing this:
ELAINE: I was a great admirer of Mrs. Onass-sis-sis-sis..., (you know, from Seinfeld.)
Cut to this weekend, driving up to Joyce’s cottage (yes, the one with the not real butter) and I’m rolling little nuggety marbles of words over in my head, and this happens, “Saviour Onassis….Save Your Own Asses?! I get it! OHMYGOD! I’m so dense! That is the BEST NAME EVER! I’m so weak and small with my lack of intelligence and my humble adoration for all your cool bigkid blog friends. How am I allowed to walk around in this world?! How am I allowed to maybe be getting pregnant and having a baby?!”
All I can say is, I’m glad it was Robert driving and not me, because we would have plowed right into the “Fresh Bleuberrys and Homade Pie Bakeing” stand by the side of the road.
Umm yeah I read your interview and I found that you are far less interesting than I originally thought.
(I'm sorry I can't help it, it is the path I have chosen)
Dale, that was nifty! I like what you said about shorter posts. so true (I don't know if you remember me lamenting on how more people commented on my cat puke post than on my cherished childhood memory post)...I can't help it though, I'm a rambler.
Tanya, :)!!!
At least I can say "I used to read Dale before became a big shot."
You can leave the flip flops at home!!!!!
Tell me what you're wearing Chelene and I'll pretend that I've got something on too.
Even with a name like Punchman, I thought you'd be a peace lovin' fella Coaster. If you love an idea, set it free...
Kevin - How did you get this number?
Tanya - You're silly. Your Mother-in-Law post was pretty hilarious.
Shroom-Monkey - I knew it and figured you'd see through me eventually. Thanks for trying to care.
Lord I was born a ramblin' man. Glad you enjoyed it Lee. I don't remember if I remember that either.
Creepy - I read you before I became a big shot. Keep reading. I'm still a nobody.
NYC Beauty - That is so generous, I'd just trip over the damned things anyway. Be right over!
I wrote something cruel and funny and then I realized I was jealous.
I hate you, I hate you all, please love me.
Don't make me change your name to JustaCruelCat.
Thanks O.L. The interview was #13 in a series and your comment is #13 in a series. Coincidence? Probably.
Since we(your reader) are mostly doctors, we can have a round table and found a cure for your disease, crossing the road!
I think you've discovered the secret recipe Jill.
Smashing responses, dearest Dale. And any time anyone says anything like "make sweet love" I giggle. I giggled for you, man.
I thought I heard something so I put down my bat for a second. Thank you Andi.
Nice interview, it's been a very eclectic series of bloggers she's spoken with.
Thanks Mob - yours was a good one too. Bella's picked some interesting folks to chat with.
Beth - I probably could have been more insightful but when you're so busy being a clown, who's got time?
Dale- You are a star!!! Congratulations!!!
I'm just curious about this street-crossing disease you have. Is that something stem cell research could cure?
Sandra - or as Arlene called me, a smellebrity. Don't worry, once the swelling goes down, I'll be the same lumpy headed guy.
Gizmo - I think that if George W. handn't vetoed that bill on stem cell, I may have had a shot at a cure. James had a good post about the stem cell veto called Stem Cellapalooza.
For the love of all things holy, hurry up with putting a link to my blog in your "See Here Now" section. I want everyone who reads that interview to think I'm cool, too, man.
Hang on Haahnster, I'm just changing the name of the section to Suck Here Now and you're in baby!
A deal's a deal.
And a Dale's a Dale.
I, for one, believe that Canada does in fact exist.
If in fact you ever do change the title to " Suck Here Now " I'd like to be first please.
My pants are tight.
Uh oh, did I make some kind of deal?
I'm usually a Dale, at least when I'm the one in control of the body.
It makes me glad to know the whole Canada thing wasn't just a figment X.
That's a different kind of sucking I think CC. Current noise - laughter.
Okay. Here's the thing.
When you originally posted this, I didn't read the interview for several reasons, none of which are very good.
One: I already know you are a genius and have very little interest in hearing about your "process." We all take fiber from time to time... Are you buying that? Good.
Two: I was insanely jealous. Not to mention the fact that I was in the middle of a huge transitional period and maybe, yeah, just maybe my jealousy was protecting me from the inevitable horror of being noticed.
So: I'm talking to Holly today about the blogesphere and how incestuous it is. She mentioned that it's not incestuous enough in some ways and I get that, too. We spoke of Dale. Our secret passion for the Dale. Holly asked if I had read the interview....
"Yeah, yeah..." I lied, blase as ever. She reiterated the fact that Dale, our dear sweet, tedious Dale, had mentioned me by name in the interview. So, now I have all this guilt and shame over NOT noticing sooner.
I read the interview and I laughed and learned and was a better person for it. Then I got to the part where you mentioned me and my heart just stopped. Tears welled up in my eyes and my voice quivered as the emotion of the moment overwhelmed me: "Dale thinks I'm a moody bitch!" I fell onto the floor and cried tears of joy and gratitude.
I would be lying to say that I "never miss a thing" you post, because, clearly, I have. But I will say that I adore your blog and gleefully look forward to the strange things you bring to my attention. Like those little Ninja thingys... Thank you, Dale. If I could, I would save your ass, too.
As long as there's guilt, shame and blaming, I'm there for you Saviour! It's all Holly's fault somehow really isn't it? Only kidding Holly. I love you both.
And the incestuousness of it all is ridiculous but being weak minded, I fall for it all every time.
Talk to you soon, I'm late for my 'process'.
Oh, Mr Popular :)
Hey Freelance, I was fixing links and was just in this post. What are you doing here?
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