David Walliams of Little Britain fame has swum the English Channel and in good time too.
Let’s hope he did it in a Laaaadylike manner.
If you don’t know Little Britain, you might not care.
Not my fault.
Good bile.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Computer says no.
I don't know it ... but, damn, I want to. I hear great things.
Heehee. I don't know Little Britain, but I did click on that link. Nice teeth eh? *shudder*
no but yah but no but ya but no but yah but no but yah but no but
yah i know
Melinda June, you're obviously brilliant no matter what the computer says. Cough.
Beth, get thee to a video store and find some. If you can find a quiet moment from all your million and one other activities.
MellowLee, please follow Beth. She knows the way to the store. If either of you don't like it Anne Altman will give you your money back.
Hi Anne. I knew you had some great taste. And lots of money. Don't you?
Narrator: In Britain, if an old person reaches a hundred they receive a telegram from the Queen. If they reach two hundred, her Majesty comes round to their house and personally gives them a bikini wax.
(How I wish I could think up choice tidbits like this...)
I think a lot of the voiceover and narration is the best part of the show sometimes. You do think up choice tidbits like that, it's just that our conversations aren't recorded and filmed Tanya.
I wonder if Gertrude Ederly crossed the channel in a ladylike fashion.
I love it when you post porn, it really eases the tension.
I'm sure she looked every inch the lady X. Dell in her full length ball gown bathing suit. Didn't they pretty much have a head to toe cover up policy then?
JCC - was it the word tidbit in the comments that did you in?
Little Britian, eh? Something else to send the TiVo out hunting....I'm never going to get out of the house at this rate...
I might be older than you, Dale. But I'm not THAT old. How can I remember what went on in 1929?
Isn't "Little Britain" an oxymoron?
Dale, if you like Little Britain, have you seen The Catherine Tate Show?
Am I bovvered!?!?
Leave the house Mob? Why would anyone ever leave the house?
I pretend I'm not THAT old too sometimes X.Dell, it gets me through.
No, but there are a couple of oxys in the show Saviour.
Ziggy, I'm never going to get out of the house at this rate. You're bovvered, I'm intrigued.
my favourite character is Nan Taylor, with Lauren "am I bovvered" the Teenager a close second.
Please watch it - I'm sure you'll love it.
I'll see if I can find it Ziggy and report back. And if I don't love it?
I'm downloading as fast as I can Zig.
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