Some people call them pimples or zits which I think is disrespectful.
I think that when you've got something about half the size of your own head developing on the end of your nose, it deserves a proper name.
What if it's your twin that never fully developed? Ever think about that?
Submissions for a naming ceremony are being accepted.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
This is just like trying to come up with names for my non-existent-but-hopefully-soon-to-be babby.
I used to call them large masses. But then someone told me that was rude to cancer patients. Ah, the world of PC.
Kevin? Is that you? No, no answer.
Guys don't make passes at girls with large masses. Cancer? That's hilarious(my favourite Jerri Blank line).
I think the naming process should be similar to that of a cat or dog, where you simply call out names until you see what it responds to.
This may take awhile, you may need a leave from work.
Should someone write you a note?
Sean is always good. Or how about Dale the Second?
There is a TRULY BIZARRE movie from 1989 starring Richard E. Grant called "How to Get Ahead in Advertising" about a guy with a pimple on his neck. The head of the pimple grows as large as the guy's real head and convinces everyone that the real head is the pimple head and has it lanced, so then there's this giant pimple walking around the world, using his position in advertising to convince everyone that zits are sexy.
I'm not saying I recommend this movie, mind you, so if you decide to watch it, do so at your own risk.
I'm taking your advice Mob.
If I just start calling out pet names, they may excuse me from work for that alone. The note will come later.
Hmm, interesting Chelene, maybe something something D2? I was going to go with K-FedUp but I'm scrapped that.
I saw that Holly, it was bizarre and I remember having mixed feelings although friends raved about it's brilliance. Richard E. has made some interesting choices hasn't he?
It was a bizarre movie.
Dale, you could name it Jesse Garon, after Elvis' stillborn twin brother.
Beth, you're the hands down, nose off winner with that entry. It's been a while since I've felt that particular mix of glee and revulsion. I just shuddered. I'm going to be saying that name all day.
I reckon that if it's male, you can call him Roy (Roy and Dale, you know), or Chip. If it's female, I would suggest Thomas.
Jesse Garon Roy Spot Chip Fido Sean Thomas Large Masses Kevin Dale 2. Too long?
Damn, I was going to suggest "Dave" after my "pimple on the face of humanity" ex husband. But let's save that one for if anyone gets a boil on their ass k?
Ah well, maybe next time. I see there is a scheduled outage of blogger coming up in the next hour.
Good suggestion Lee, we'll save it for a really special occasion. Who doesn't hate a good ass boil huh?
since I like the idea of taking the same path as for cat name, just pull out a dictionnary open it at a page and the name that comes a the end of your finger, is the name of a cat(they did that in one of the french show I watch, for someone unlucky with cats)
An interesting approach to take Jill. If my twin stays around that long, I will give it a try.
btw, I heard toothpaste works to get rid of them, uh Jesse Garon Roy Spot Chip Fido Sean Thomas Large Masses Kevin Dale 2's
I'll name it a cat and then coat it in toothpaste. Incidentally, I heard that if the drugstore's closed and a dog gets sprayed by a skunk, you can coat it in toothpaste, wash, and it'll cut down on the smell. Weird uses for toothpaste day.
Is that you or Belinda Carlisle?
Devil Bump
Excellent name. It could also be applied to other areas of the body. You're one smart cookie O.L.
That's me dale. Sick of the sad pic, time for a lol pic!
Happy is good. And hey, you do look like you're LOLing. You may be the first person I believe when you say LOL then.
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