The big sign was roadside. We drove into the parking lot. We searched for the drive thru. This is what we found.

The coffee was at least as good as coffee I've had not made in a tractor trailer. They didn't have the doughnuts I wanted. They said it had been a busy morning.
For those of you not in Canada, Tim Horton's is a chain of coffee and doughnut shops that is successful. Successful enough to exist in this form occasionally.
LMAO! That is terrific! I'm glad u took pictures of it. I love Tim Ho's! They have the best mocha to go, and the chili in a bread bowl is pretty good too :)
PS glad u r back!
Hi-dee-ho-lee: It was pretty funny. I think they sent one like this to the troops in Kandahar as well (honest!). Good old The Horton's.
I don't know Tim Horton's, but I am waaaaayyyy toooo familiar with eating donuts and coffee off a truck.
Sounds like you are having a Great Adventure.
DALE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My quiet adventure and eating out of a truck is finished Mr. O. but my blogging adventures continue.
Hi Beth, yep, back again. Time for everyone else to take a week off so I can resume reading their latest schtuff.
LOL! One of our local Tim's is in the same state of affairs at the moment.
But where the hell were you that there wasn't a perfectly stable Tim's on the next corner? (and the one after that, and the one after that....) Must've been a really small town.
It was tiny Truro and there may well have been 3 or 4 more within spitting distance Berry but sometimes you just gotta pull up and go with it.
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