The Am I bovvered? girl, the cockney granny and Ally all caused that magical thing to occur where I find myself laughing out loud. I don't do that for just anyone. I'm looking forward to seeing more and plan to devote some time this weekend to doing just that.
Catherine, will you marry me?
Thanks for the great recommendation Ziggy!
While on topic of British comedy, why do the Brits seem to know how to do a series so well?
With a few exceptions, they make a great show, do a few short seasons and then move on to something else. What an ideal approach -- make some great shows and leave viewers with good memories and not the pain of watching something once considered great fall into decline. The shallow end in the pool of mediocrity is deep enough already isn't it?
Lou and Andy -- don't forget to floss and brush at least once in a while. Good bile.

There are so many that I love and I watch them over and over. I caught Catherine Tate for the first time last week. Brilliant!
I agree. Nothing's more alluring than a funny woman.
I'm going on a Catherine Quest now, but in the meantime I'll keep watching Little Britain...god, I love that show!
And we have to watch Strangers With Candy after you told me we had to.
Damn! Should have guessed The Cure was next ...
They're bloody brilliant, the lot of them, old Lady. That's my attempt at sounding British. Lame, I know.
In that case, Catherine's very alluring X. Dell. There are a lot of brilliant female performers.
Enjoy your quest Tanya. Don't hurt yourself on Strangers With Candy on my account.
I've never seen The Catherine Tate Show, but if Dale says it's funny, I will watch. Totally agree about the Britcoms. I watched the entire series "The Office" in about two sittings. An awesome cringefest. And Melinda June confirmed that her office in England is exactly like that. With a Garreth & everything.
am I bovvered? Am I boverred vo?
so glad my recommendation worked!
have you seen Kath & Kim? Australian comedy at its very best.... series 1 was brilliant!
So I could transfer into Melinda's office and fit right in then! Perhaps I will go to England after all Coaster P. Ricky Gervais and the gang really outdid themselves with The Office.
Catherine's hilarious. Thanks again on that Zig.
Kath & Kim? No way Joe-zay. Look at moy, look at moy. Yes, seen all 3 series and their special. Love them.
With a few exceptions, they make a great show, do a few short seasons and then move on to something else. What an ideal approach -- make some great shows and leave viewers with good memories and not the pain of watching something once considered great fall into decline. The shallow end in the pool of mediocrity is deep enough already isn't it?
I've been thinking about this because I just saw the third season of Spooks as they call it in the country of its origin, or MI5 as it is called in the US. I really liked how willing they were to kill off the main characters, and let them stay dead (unlike Buffy, where everyone returns from the grave at least once or twice). It made for an interesting evolution of the story and one that's more believable and realistic, since how often do you socialize with the very same people for seven years, and never meet anyone new, or change jobs, or get new co-workers?
By the way, all these recommendations are almost enough to make me get cable again.... except for the Kath & Kim thing. I admit I watched it with British friends and just couldn't stomach it. It's just not for me.
Yes Holly, isn't everything all the more believable when things like that happen? Sad day for the actor perhaps but it does force things forward.
I won't hold it against you for not wanting to deal with Kath & Kim, but I can't help loving their full on white trashiness and accents.
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