My trip to the dentist's office this morning was the usual threeway with me, the hygienist and the good doctor. When they leave their masks on through the whole thing, it makes me feel unsexy.
And do they have to talk so much all the way through? Christ, I'll hold you afterward if you'll just shut up.
There is that cool mini sink though for quick clean ups before the getaway.
See you in six, mofos.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Um...I know they told you it's a mini sink...but it's actually a mini know, like for throwing up in after you eat?
Ofcourse they have to talk and wear masks. If they take away the hullabaloo they are faced with the post appointment toothy saviour cuddling.
Or as you like to say "Christ, I'll hold you afterwards"
My dentist is my 4th cousin 8 times removed. He always flosses my teeth extra-hard and tells me what a pain in the ass it is to raise triplets and do I have any advice for Triplet #2 although she is planning to go to a way more prestigious law school than I did????
I think it serves more than one purpose and more than one master Tanya. Mmmm.
But I'm so willing to do it to stop their jabber Justacoolcat.
Tell Triplet #2 to make a run for it. Talk about middle child syndrome! And get a new dentist Monkey. Unless you're getting flossed for free.
Last time I went to my dentist for a root canal, the sink was broken, but they still wore the masks. They wear the masks to keep you from dying from hallitosis
Mmm, I miss the little mini sink. Haven't seen one of those since I got out of braces.
In the US, dentists wear masks in case you file robbery charges after seeing the bill. That makes it harder to identify them.
But you guys have better health care. I can't think of a reason why they still have them on.
This bit reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry come out of the gas and thinks he sees the doctor and nurse dressing and then has the shock of his shirt being untucked.
"I'm damaged goods!"
And Elaine is all "Welcome to the club."
Great stuff, best of luck with the cuddling.
Did one of them at least touch your ding-dong?
I would have demanded the masks be half off because the sink was broken.
You'd better be going regularly Andi or do you have a home dentistry kit?
All about not being able to i.d. them or being able to identify them at the supermarket (like they do their own shopping). Good points X.
Mob, you're a fine man. I thought of that too because I'm such a thief and must take steps to conceal it at every turn.
I did say threeway didn't I Anglea? Oh, there was touching.
I'm all about the human POV and lovely of you to stop by afp763389. Calling occupants ...
Nice a threeway- I am all up for some numb and drugged induced action. I once went to a swinger's club and downed a bit too many "prescription drugs" woke up to a whole lot of I don't know what the fuck is going on type of stuff. I think it was fun, I am fairly sure I enjoyed myself....
I love waking up from a narcotic haze. Reminds me of childhood fun. Good times.
I never like to hear them jabber away to each other whilst they are poking around in my mouth.
Cut the chatter and pay attention!
Your people must be really small if you've got 2 of them poking around in your mouth UTMG, har har.
If they're talking dirty directly to me while they're all suited up, I don't mind so much but it's usually boring stuff.
You are better than me. It's been a year and I'm dreading it. Scrape scrape scrape.
Hello Dale, you good fellow. Thank you for stopping by on my humble blog. In apprecation of your curiousity I will gladly link you. Yes, I am trying to build my blog roll. Actually, I'm just happy that blokes are dropping by, so there. Again, thanks mate.
P.S. Visited Canada in '00. Beautiful country. I've got mates and family over there. Delightful people all.
yeah it's all hazmat now. makes me feel dirty. and not in a good way.
Don't try and escape the scrape NYCB! If you ever hope to be better than me or even just equal, you've got to go.
Hello Larry H my good parrot. Link away if you'd like because as you already know, I am delightful.
Anne, I hate the idea but I love the word Hazmat. Dirrrty.
Who are you calling a mo fo, mo fo!
my dentists office was thrown into a tizzy when the dentist left his wife (the receptionist) for the hygenist.
I had my teeth cleaned about twice a week just to keep up on the drama.
You a so so mo fo fo sho Reese.
Did they sometimes just forget you in the chair while the drama played out Bre? And? What happened? Happily ever after? Did you teeth fall out? You have to do a post on it.
Don't let the masks bother you. Safe dentistry can be so HOT!
Seeing my dentist and the hygienist is all the safety I generally need CP I guess adding the extra clothing can be hot. I'm sure that's what you meant.
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