I keep seeing this guy who looks like Moby. I’m just walking and there he is, a guy who looks like Moby. Should I say something?
Edit -- 24Jul2006 -- no sign of Moby. Has he moved back home or has he just heard all of your whispers?
Egg tempera weirdo
1 month ago
Ask that bossy brain of yours. I bet it will tell you what to do.
It tells me to keep walking but it's steered me wrong before.
You should say something, but nothing letting on that you think he looks like Moby or may be Moby.
Perhaps "It's not you, I have a brain disease that makes me keep crossing the street"
Moby would make that into a song.
That guy probably is Moby. If you talk to him ask him what's up with his hair... I bet you might get slapped. Or at least his phone number...
Moby is as Moby does.
What is Dale to do?
Run across the street full blast, tackle him and stuff a steak down his throat. If he eats it gleefully it is not him. Just an idea..
If he's wearing an "I <3 Eminem" t-shirt then it's probably not Moby.
I was just listening to that track.
Whisper "We are all made of stars" and see what semi-Moby does.
yes, tell him 'hey you look like moby. moby bites.'
Imagine the thrill of having Moby sample your disease and it becoming a big hit Coolcat?
I think I could stand up to a slap from Moby, not that I'd want to. He's already mesmerized by my thick head of hair. I've got his number alright.
What would I do without your evil brilliance Shroom? Walk softly and carry a big steak.
Or he's purposely trying to throw me off track Chelene. I suspect Moby is craftier than he lets on.
What a perfect visual suggestion Beth. Somehow it springboarded me to a Golden Palominos song but I can't remember the title. I'll have to check it at home.
I'm afraid that he does bite Anne so I'm steering clear. At least until I can try the steak/shroom thing.
I was going to recommend walking up and saying, "Call me Ishmael." But, then I realized that wasn't funny. In fact, it was repugnantly unfunny. Even worse, it was a desperate attempt at impressive intellectualism. But, it really isn't very intellectual, either; lots of people know that's the 1st line of Moby Dick, even if they haven't read the book. What's worse than a desperate attempt at pseudo-intellectualism?
BTW, I'm sobbing right now.
I have a cat that may one day meet Moby. If she's lucky. Nice cat, too.
Haahnster, you're a desperado but since you're so cool, I'll let it go. Feck up again though and look out.
I forgot about your possible Moby connection CP. Maybe I'll whisper We are all made of cats and see what happens.
Beth - It was Divine Kiss I was thinking of by Golden Palominos. I'm sure you have their songs with Michael Stipe?
another tool, michael stipe. cheap, cheap, cheap, horribly bad tipper.
Careful Anne, Beth'll kick your ass. Unless she's been not tipped by Michael too.
Yes, sir. I have them all. Literally. Have. Them. All. I have (and it's embarrassing to admit in writing) every side project or guest appearance by Mr. Stipe. And Mr. Buck. And Mr. Mills and Mr. Berry. I have a closet full of CDs.
And quit making the Haahnster cry. But let me make Anne cry. How DARE she mock the Stipe!
You're the sixth Beatle Beth! Nothing embarrassing about it, except that you put it in writing.
I believe Haahnster generally breaks down sobbing on his own with little provocation. He's still pretty damned funny but don't tell him I said that.
Anne's sticking her tongue out at you right now Beth. You gonna take that?
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