You know the old tenet that you should dress for the job you want and not the one you have?
Well, here I sit looking as much as I can like the well heeled cad I aspire to (part time basis only).
Why then, does everyone around me look like they’re dressing for unemployment?
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
We have policy, business with a tie for men. I never wear a tie to work and today I've managed to wear a collarless shirt.
Rule breaking evil doer!
But Dale, you always look so spiffy and excellent! I love walking next to you, you handsome dog, you!
Time to head back to ESL Tanya.
Unemployment is just so much more comfortable. :)
I love the idea of dressing like a well-heeled cad.
I'm trying to think of a way to describe my way of dressing. I wish I could just feminize "well-heeled cad," but "well-heeled cadette" just doesn't quite cut it.
Unless you're going for a kicky girl scout look, I'd say you should avoid it too Holly.
Gizmorox - Unemployment the clothes you mean? Or Unemployment the condition? I'm guessing clothes.
Don't let Stacey & Clinton hear this but I do own sweat pants. I just choose not to wear them to work.
When I worked for the federal government I saw the worst dressed workers ever. I'm talking, like, track suits to work. Bleh.
Bleh is right. Nothing like an overpaid sloppy bureaucrat.
One of the things I like about my job is that I can pretty much dress however I want. I have a colleague who wears cocktail dresses, a colleague who wears designer stuff he buys on his trips to Italy, plenty of colleagues who wear ties, several colleagues who wear jeans or khakis.... I admit I have some pretty eccentric clothes. I have this outfit I made, with a long black tunic over a gray dress--from a distance, it sorta looks like chain mail. I call it my Joan of Arc outfit.
I'm dressing down more than I ever have for work. It's weird. I'm now the office slum whore. But it's getting warmer and I really shine in the summer. Tight skirts, yo!
Holly -- I admire and fear you. Just what job are you dressing for when you're in the homemade chain mail? And where are the photos? It's good to be able to express yourself in whatever you damned well please. As long as it meets with my approval.
Admiration and fear is pretty much what I'm going for, with most of what I wear to work. Homemade chain male is the perfect outfit for teaching undergraduate English lit and writing courses, which is what I do. The only way to improve the outfit would be if I could have a sword and/or a mace.... I would have said a whip, but that plays too much into the fantasies of a certain element I've encountered increasingly these last few years. I want them to know they can't give me any crap, but I don't want them to think about it later, in the dark.
As for photos.... Well, I can't be bothered right now to learn all the intricacies of the digital camera I got for christmas, but one of these days, I'll do it.
p.s. I just realized that there might have been a Margaret Atwood allusion in your last comment to me, Dale, since I mentioned that I admire and fear her, in part because, as you have informed me, she is somewhat uh, eccentric in her personal style....
(Yeah, I do that, walk around thinking about comments I've left on blogs instead of writing a novel, which is perhaps one of far too many unfortunate ways I'm NOT like Margaret Atwood)
Anyway, let me say in my defense that although I do cultivate a certain eccentricity of dress, I A) try to avoid wearing a "floppy velveteen hat that any 5 year old girl would have been proud to wear at the first Easter parade she clearly remembered attending," and B) comb my hair at least once a day. Somedays I even, you know, put it in a pony tail or something.
As far as office slum whores go, I'm really glad you worked your way up from assistant there Dena.
Holly - did you change chain mail to chain male on purpose?
I laughed:
I want them to know they can't give me any crap, but I don't want them to think about it later, in the dark.
I cried:
"Yeah, I do that, walk around thinking about comments I've left on blogs..."
You're seeing other blogs? Oh my god. When did this start?
I hurled:
Velveteen seems to be on my mind. I also mentioned it in relation to one of the goofy AmerIdols last night.
I'm immediately throwing out all my velveteen. Please believe me when I say I don't own any - really!
I recovered:
And I see that you're just like me (brilliant and unmotivated), I do quite well at avoiding writing a book too.
If I publish a book of just your comments, is that stealing?
um, the chain male thing, that was, unfortunately, completely unconscious.
If I publish a book of just your comments, is that stealing?
Why do you think I started blogging? It's so I could meet someone with a publishing company who'd take my stuff and turn it into a book, without much extra effort from me.
Dear Publishing Company,
So far Holly seems to have done a great deal of your work for you.
She has written many many words that make sense together and provided chapter headings.
Hello? It's just rude of you not to have put out at least her first book by now.
Chain Dale
Chain Dale--now THAT is a good rap name!
Ok, I'm using it. Once I get shot a couple of more times, I'm good to go.
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