Before you consider that I must be worth keeping alive, take a closer look at me. Lying here, inert.
Yes, I'm still breathing and I can hear you but this shell now houses function, not life. You'll hurt less, faster if you let me go now.
You know if I could, I'd sit up and say something idiotic - 'if they can muffle a car or a gun, why the fuck can't they do something about the noise from these Darth Vader breathing tubes!?' I can't and I won't.
Picking up that pen will help you write an ending to this story so you can start a new one when you're ready to start reading again.
Do it. Sign it for both of us my love. At least consider it.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
nicely done- very sad...
stop blogging and start writing your book! (I know, I too)
Tragic and touching - it brought those little goose bumps to my arms - well done.
Thanks for stopping by and checking mine out - it's most appreciated.
A little chilling kevorkian politics or sad sweet ending?
Either way, I like it a lot.
Thanks for the great comments. Everyone else's I've read so far has been impressive to say the least.
My wife has these instructions tatooed on her belly...
Seriously, it's the one thing that all spouses need to put in order before the "impossible" happens.
I'm with you all the way porchwise.
I was surprised by this--and liked it very much. Very poignant.
Thanks Beth, yours was just fantastic.
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