And Margaret Atwood.
Norma was such a great closer to my little opera season and a relief overall.
For the first time in many a show, there was a spontaneous and full bodied ovation after the performance and not just one of those half assed justifying the price of my night out ovations from a smattering of people. I don’t care who you are – if you suck, I ain’t standing and I ain’t clapping.
I didn’t have to worry about any of that as the performances were all excellent. When June Anderson in the title role and Marianna Kulikov as Adalgisa (Hi Analgesic) blended their voices together in those lovely arias, I had to choke back the tears. And Zdenek Plech as Oroveso and Attila Fekete as Pollione were very powerful as well .
It’s nights like this that make my spirit remember why it takes me to the opera. When everything comes together, there is no other force like it.
The popsicle sticks that made up the majority of the set I guess were to signify something - maybe the tenuous grip on morality that Norma and the rest of us all have? The lighting was good and the sets unobtrusive actually so I'm just being mean.
Swerve. It must be my week for sighting authors. Sitting two rows ahead of me was literary giant and walking nest Margaret Atwood. She hasn’t dragged a comb through that hair since the time that dinosaur bone she was using broke off and she gave up.
Sporting what looked like a bad home perm and a blonde feature softening rinse, she politely smiled at everyone who spied her magnificence at intermission.
This is why people like Maggie are rolling in the dough, it's all that money saved from pricey haircuts. National treasure indeed.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I Googled images of Atwood. I blame you for that now, too. What is up with that hair? Wow.
Hey Chelene -- so sorry to inflict yet another mental hardship on with the Atwood.
Some of her books are excellent but that doesn't make her any less hideous.
Who cars what her hair looks like? She wrote The Robber Bride, Cat's Eye, and Alias Grace!!!
I've read all her books. Met her once, too. But she's a downright cunt.
Dale, you see all the Canadian celebs. Did you stash something in her hair? I would have. But seriously, I like her books.
See you!
She has written some choice books and I bet she's got another good one or two stashed in that nest. Plus what I stashed in there - I'm not telling what it is either.
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