Said goose was padding across the street from in front of the house two doors away and was just making it to the sidewalk. He meandered along hopefully into the park and then field not far away. I just kept my distance as they can be rather nasty creatures.
In the house the goose seemed to be leaving lives a gentleman of perhaps 40 years of age. He lives there with his mother who is perhaps 65. Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64? Yes, and then some Mum. He has never left home. Or if he has, somebody's brought him right back.
On occasion, he can be seen wandering the area hauling a child's wagon through the neighborhood loaded down with groceries. Other times the wagon is filled with cardboard or bottles and cans. He's looking for redemption but he's a few recyclables short of salvation if you ask me.
Rather than a front lawn, the odd couple has cultivated quite a sanctuary for birds and other small animals. There are lots of trees and shrubs almost obscuring the front of the house and the lawn is actually more made up of a flowering ground cover rather than grass.
Because mowing my own lawn feels like it's beneath me, I am thinking it may be thyme for me to follow suit with the ground cover idea. Thanks neighborhood wagon man.

So why did the goose cross the road after leaving the yard of my peculiar neighbors on this wet and wonderful Sunday afternoon? Perhaps a piece of the bird's natural habitat had found it's way onto the wagon and the goose was just settling accounts?
Now that I think of it, I haven't seen either of the neighbours since I saw the goose.
Well, what's good for the goose is just fine by me.
Um ... Dale? Pictures of flowers on your blog = gayness. (don't hate me! I had to say it!)
But the goose is okay right? Haha. It's thyme and not really a flower so I figured it would pass your gayness filter.
hee hee! you know a blog is bad when it has flowers and cats on it...
No pets, baby pictures or recipes. Those things are the kiss of death for a blog. When I see that shit, I'm like - ho hum, I'm outta here.
What if it's a recipe for boiled puppies with a side of baby? That okay?
That'll do. At least it's edgy.
Very good, I'll start sorting through my family photo albums at once!
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