Bow down before Andi. She's looking for some help with submissions for her webzine Estella's Revenge but her deadline is August 28 so go find her now and pledge your love.
Her theme this month is Appearances. Give her some book or music reviews and become a global superstar. Plus I heard she pays $1000 a word.*
*This part may not be true.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Per word, is that $1000 US or Canadian?
Depends on the word: flavor = US $
flavour = Cdn $ which actually doesn't make sense, more letters, less money. I'd better check on this.
Nothing makes an appearance like the alphabet, and I'm 26k richer.
Once I burn through that wad of cash I'll submit my Pulitzer winning "Interview with The Alphabet". You'll never look at P the same way again.
Don't get their hopes up! The natives get restless when the fame dries up and I disappear with the cash box.
I'll never look at it the same again already coolcat! Can you use those 26 words in a sentence? Not a song, a sentence.
Ah yes Andi, you raise me up so I can stand on mountains and then one little push and it's all over.
Something, something, quick brown fox , something or other dog . . .
But you tried and at 10 words, Andi owes you some cash already! Good going.
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