I stepped away from my desk at work for about 5 minutes this morning and missed the second most interesting thing to happen to me today.
A friend of mine moved to London to work her kung fu magic at a new job recently and I'd already begun lamenting that she's never been the best stay in toucher.
And then she called! Yayyyy! And got my voice mail at work. Ohhhhhh.
She wasn't calling from London but from Johannesburg, South Africa. She said she'd been sent there to do a few weeks work and left me her numbers and said that although there's a 6 hour time difference I should call anytime anyway.
As we're not allowed to make international calls at work and I couldn't remember my calling card number, I raced home at the end of the day to ring her up. I got her on the phone just before her bedtime and we spent time getting each other up to speed on our news and had some choice laughs. I missed her before the phone call even ended.
She's been to England, France, Germany and now S.A. in a short span and managed to get there in style. I'm a little jealous.
I wonder what an hour's worth of catching up with your friend in South Africa costs these days? Who cares? I'm sending her the bill. Fucking show off.
Nothing else more interesting happened to me today. I just wanted to add a little sexy danger to the post.
*I just called...
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
a fuck load....
Nice little pick me up!
We shall see S-Monkey, I'll just tell them you made the call without my permission and have them remove the charge.
Yes it was Old Lady. Very nice.
Sexy danger? How scrumptious!
Good luck having her pick up the tab after the "fucking show off" line! :-)
Good luck with the phone bill, it sounds as though it was worth it, hell, since you got a post out of it, maybe you can write it off as some kind of business expense.
Now we just have to figure out how to make this blog thing a business..
Hmmm. This may take awhile...
I wish her well in Jo'burg, Scary place Dale.
Good you got to catch up with her and the call will probably cost her about 20,000 rand knowing S.A phone costs.
Ohh I wasn't talking about the phone bill, I was talking about the little mess you left in the cage.. Seriously Dale, you want to play, no problem, but clean up after yourself.
So not in the contract...
Who wants to be an internationally in demand kung fu expert anyway? Has she ever been to Michigan? I think not.
Don't be jealous, Dale.
The flipside of London is the shitty weather, rude people, too many tourists and terrorist possibilities daily.
Oh, don't listen to me. I'm bovvered at the moment.
She can't read Angela. She gets by on the kung fu and her savvy.
I don't understand Mob. I get paid by the word here and regularly, aren't you being properly blogpensated?
She said it is scary Ben and told me about her trying to always be converting Canadian cash in her head into Euros and Rands and such. She's got a driver and isn't allowed to travel alone. She's probably there for a few more weeks and then back to England.
Are you quoting the Kiss song Lick It Up? You're the Kiss fan aren't you?
Should I tell her you told me to tell her to Bring It! Peter?
Are you saying you're rude Ziggy? Are you disrespecting my friend? Are you saying I'm stupid? Face. Look. Bovvered? No. Sorry you are.
Nothing else more interesting happened to me today. I just wanted to add a little sexy danger to the post.
That is truly sad. Next time you want to include a little sexy danger, might I suggest a midget in lingerie with a knife? Just a thought...
I like the way you think. Hey, we can't all be hobknobbing celebrity moles like you Saviour!
And yes, I think I've failed to propely put in every post, my life is sad.
Why should you be jealous of your friend? If she's been to all those places, maybe it's because no respectable country will have her for very long.
That's absolutely correct X. She's been kicked out of more countries than I have so far.
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