C.R.A.Z.Y. is now out on DVD. It's a gem of a film of French Canadian descent.
When a film does well in Canada, it's big news. Even on the packaging for this one, there's a nod to the fact that it's done a whopping $6.5 million in box office.
This might sound laughable when openings for even mediocre films in the US soar past that but we're just ridiculous enough to not always support and market ourselves properly. If we could all chant I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me! we might get somewhere.
I watched C.R.A.Z.Y. today and haven't enjoyed a film so completely in a long while. It was funny, dramatic, poignant and well written. The entire cast turned in wonderful and nuanced performances and the soundtrack was also excellent.
Rating: 5 Royales with Cheese
Rent or buy it so we can eventually boast about 7, 10 or 113.5 million bucks on the back.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie!
Rating: 5 poutines, extra gravy
You and Robert were early supporters and even handed out poutine to the first 5 people who bought tickets didn't you Tanya? It was really great. The film, not your poutine.
Thanks for the tip, Dale. I'll check it out and make everyone here in England buy it. And then I might make everyone in Australia that I know buy it. Yep.
The last Canadian movie I saw was The Barbarian Invasions and it was very good. I will have to look this one up!
aaaaaaaand Netflix.
Though it will have to wait until the romantic comedies and my obsession with Tom Everett Scott works itself out.
Not released by Netflix as of yesterday but I put in on my 'saved' list.
Royales? poutines? Inquiring minds want to know! Canadian movies, execellent!
As a French Canadian, I'm very embarrassed to admit that I have not yet seen this film. It was in theatres here for MONTHS, and yet I never dragged my lazy ass over to see it. I promise to rent it, and will gladly replace my movie popcorn with poutine as a nod to my heritage.
I'm guessing that C.R.A.Z.Y. like other Canadian flicks don't get the number of screens that Hollywood releases do, so the $5,000,000 could be a bigger per/theatre take. Then too, it might not have had the overhead that the others did, and could thus be more profitable.
I reckon it will be on the Sundance channel soon, though. I'll watch it there.
Sounds like a great film. I may actually go to Blockbuster for this one.
I'll watch this one, little Dale. Prolly my favourite Canadian movie is "Last Night." I'll generally watch anything with Sandra Oh.
Later, Dale!
Great, now I have to watch this along with that Britcom you recommended (which Mindy also endorsed btw.)
Did you see "Lillies"? I think that was Canadian. I hardly even remember what it was about except that I was completely floored by it.
Knew I could count on you Ziggy. I'm sure it'll be happy endings all around.
Oh crap Gizmo, I forgot that I hadn't seen that, it's on my list. Did you see the first one? It was called the Decline of the American Empire and was the same characters years earlier. It was great too.
Take your time Bre, no need to hurry an obsession, you have to work it through in its own time.
I'm starting to worry now that everyone will see it, hate it and blame me. Good thing I got you a present already Bluez.
Old Lady - The royale with cheese was a reference to the film Pulp Fiction where someone described that as the name for a quarter pounder with cheese in Paris. Poutine is a dish that originated in Quebec that consists of french fries topped with curd cheese and then smothered in gravy. It looks and sounds disgusting but it's goooood. Oh Canada!
Berry Berry Berry - tsk tsk, I feel bad now about the Barbarian Invasions so we'll share a poutine and have a double bill, maybe with some steamers.
I think you're right on all accounts X. Dell. Let me know what you think once it shows up.
Beth - definitely worth it I think. If not, I'll make you a mixed cd. Oops.
Reese - I'm mad you're not going to be maintaining your regular site but will link your 2 Minute Movie Reviews site shortly. Last Night was a great film. Did you ever see The Red Violin?
Good to have your good friend endorsing my preaching over the Catherine Tate show CP. Lillies? Hadn't heard of it but from your description, it might floor me. I'll look it up.
My last html commenting attempt was fraught with failure, so we're going to try again. Rent Lilies and let me know if it floors you too. Or maybe I'll watch it again and tell you if I'm still floored. I may have been young & impressionable back when I saw it.
I also added it to my Netflix queue. Thanks for the recommendation.
I know what poutine is because I saw an episode of Anthony Bourdain about it. He also ate seal eyeballs with eskimoes.
I'll stick with avocado milkshakes and chocolate cake, myself.
Thanks Dale-I will have to endorse Red Violin as well. Great movie.
Yeah, I'm not gonna check it out- I don't see how I could possibly like it if you do.
I've added it to my list of movies to watch on imdb.com. That is quite the soundtrack!
Please stay with us even though you're having technical difficulties Coaster. I will look up the movie.
Avocado milkshakes? This sounds like the work of the devil Holly but if you must.
Ah yes, The Red Violin is a classic Old Lady, like you I daresay.
I figured I could trick you somehow Shroom Monkey, just didn't figure it would be this easy.
Hope you enjoy it too MellowLee. Now I'm feeling the pressure. Youse guys might all lynch me if you don't like it.
Who told you I was easy?
Ohh yeah, you already knew.... Slut....
I'm not sure if you're calling me that but I'll take it. I'm semi-easy, semi-hard. Make the joke.
semi-hard cocks are worthless.... what am I gonna do with that????
Semi- easy- that applies to all men... No big suprise there..
Hey Dale,
Thanks for dropping by our blog. I've put you on our blog roll so we'll drop by and see you.
(Will & Ben's Record Room)
Poutine is heaven; the tastiest thing ever. After a night of boozing, there is nothing like it to sop up the poison.
I didn't see the prequel, but I remember one time thinking that I should. I'll add that to the list, thanks :)
I am a failed html programmer. Sigh.
You hit it on the head Shroom. So to speak.
Ben, thanks, your site's pretty damned cool.
Ah the glory of poutine huh Gizmo?
Don't quit your night job Coaster.
Since my original comment was moderated out of existance I will never watch this movie. However; the soundtrack might get a listen.
Mmmmm poutine. I'm actually drooling.
Hey coolcat, nobody here is qualified to moderate you, I also checked to be sure, no comment received. Say again?
I hear Homer Simpson when you drool Lee.
You impress me Dale! Knowing your french-speaking cinematography!
And, shamely, i didn't had time to go through alle C.R.A.Z.Y! i watch bit of it on Super Écran, but never the whole movie.
I think that Les Invasions Barbares was so overrated.
Another good movie from Québec is "Elles étaient cinq". Some of my friends found it raw, but I did apreciate a lot.
Damn I have a lot to say today!!!!
Hey Jill - so did you see Le Déclin de l'empire américain before Les Invasions Barbares? I checked to see if Elles étaient cinq was available on dvd on IMDB but it doesn't seem so. Go finish watching C.R.A.Z.Y. :-)
If you liked it, I have to see it. Never heard of it...until now. Isn't that C.R.A.Z.Y?
On your recommendation I'll have to give it a shot! (Notice I didn't say 'crack' this time!)
*jin SQUEALS with delight*
You linked me!
So, does that mean we're back together? I'm so confused!!!
cp: Was this what you were trying to do? Lilies ;-)
Dale ?
Are you by any chance in the metal cutting industry ?
The reason I ask is because your blog pic looks like Carbide metal cutting inserts for machining steels.
I guess you're not soooo bad n.v. for not hearing of it but at least hear of it.
What I'm thinking Jin is that I'll eventually get cake but what I want you to hear is - I couldn't bear for us to squabble any longer darling.
If you're not kidding Ben, I may seriously have to take over your post on your website. The blog pic is of 45 rpm record adapters. You're 11 years old or something now I'm thinking.
Hmmm, I haven't even heard of this movie! But if you gave it 5 Royales with Cheese, how could I possibly pass it up. You are my numero uno movie reviewer. I'm gonna have to watch it.
Oh right Dale,
It's OK, the 7" single centres are totally different over here. I've never seen one like that before.
From Ben
(Age 11 3/4)
Go Canada. I'm going to watch this movie as well Dale, no pressure. I'm Canadian so I am totally laid back. Uh, I also kinda like beer but the hockey thing just doesnt do it for me. I know, I am a disappointment to a widely held stereotype.
Yes Angela, watch it and tell me what you thought. I'd hate to let you down. And by the way, I'm taking a clue and cue from you and going to Warhol on Sychedelic Sunday.
Ben - all is forgiven, I forgot - you're the one from merry olde, things is different there sometimes. But you do know a lot for your age. Shouldn't you be on myspace?
Slaygirl - Like a good Canadian, I had some beers over the long weekend but did not play hockey, too busy splashing in the beer and river.
Every day that you don't post something new I cry a "Sinead O'Connor at the end of that video for the song that Prince wrote" tear of sadness.
Just thought you'd want to know...
Just don't shave your head Chelene. That's the sweetest possible thing you could have said and still made me laugh.
Splashing in the beer and river good. As I have weak ankles I would take this form of self entertainment any day!
If we could get the river to be of beer, we'd be laughing. And burping.
no , dale, I haven't seen "Le déclin de l'empire américain". I've heard of it, but never got my hand on it.
Go get the movie Jill, I'll wait.
i actually end up watching it yesterday night, it was on Radio-Canada. I think I actually found it more intersting then "Les invasions barbares". But " La fin de l'empire américain" is still a dialogue about sex that last 2 hours. Not enough action for me , I think
Yes, it's more intellectual action than sexual action but almost as messy Jill.
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