The graphic I had here was hard to see so I've removed it. Teach me for thinking that since it looked good on the 100 foot monitors at work, it would look okay here.
It was a screen capture from The Weather Network's website.
This afternoon, in beautiful downtown Toronto, it was 38 degrees. With the humidity factored in, it Feels Like 48.
Since I'm a giving sort, I'll tell you that 48 degrees C equals 118.4 F.
We're fucked.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Keywords: enlarge, Feels Like, a giving sort, fucked.
Was this post supposed to be arousing or should I put some clothes on?
Holy crap, yo. It only feels like 108 here and that's plenty. And unlike Canada people down here are supposedly used to it. My sympathies.
Yeah it broke 105 here today, and we were miserable. I hope your air conditioner is working, and that the thief didn't steal that too.
I am NOT leaving my apartment this week!!! I haven't had to turn on my air conditioner here yet, but it's ready!
It's hotter than Satan's third asshole, I nearly melted walking on Yonge St today! I've been drinking frozen slushie drinks all afternoon!
I feel extra slimey for you saying that 10CC.
You're sweet to extend your love across the border like that Gizmo. Much obliged.
So far, so good X. Dell although something tells me the dishwasher, washer and dryer shouldn't all be going at the same time as the A.C. What do you think?
It's too hot to be street walking Angela. You ought to know better. I hope there was booze in your slushies.
You can try Mat but that's about it. We're in a terrible fix for a few days and it may be worse tomorrow.
I don't think I'll ever internalize celsius. I would like to, really, but I'm too old.
Don't internalize CP, let it out. You're old.
Dale, I'm developing a plan for a tropical retreat over here in Quebec, where Tuesday was a cool 110 (with heat index). You want in? We're gonna make millions!
I'm in! We could probably make a few of these resorts throughout Quebec and Ontario. It's crazy! The heat broke a little last night with a violent thunderstorm though so maybe our dreams are ridiculous?
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