Beth said tag and so I gave it the old Nike try.
Ten Years Ago - I was dreaming of this day, the day I got to answer questions about what I was doing ten years ago. I can barely remember ten minutes ago so I'm lucky that this one worked out.
Five Years Ago - Also Sprach Zarathustra played over and over in my head to the point of distraction.
One Year Ago - I was still shaking and turning grey while my body began a detox from nicotine. Duskily complected = Very uncool.
Five Songs I Know All The Words To
Happy Birthday
What Do You Do / Glory of Love - Lyle Lovett
I'm The Man Who Murdered Love - XTC
Something About Trains - Jane Siberry
Unemployed In Summertime - Emiliana Torrini
Five Snacks I Love And Wish I Could Eat
Fried Clams
Dixie Lee Fried Chicken
Lay's Smoky Bacon Chips
Chocolate Sundaes
Places I'd Run Away To
Prince Edward Island
New York City
My TV Room
Five Favourite TV Shows (Current or Vintage)
Six Feet Under
The Sopranos
Square Pegs
Catherine Tate
Five Things I'd Never Wear
What you've got on right now
Those rubbery trendy cloggy gardening shoes
An ascot
Bells on my toes
An eyebrow piercing
Five Favourite Toys
Surround Sound System
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Is your body free from piercings otherwise?
Damn. I love men with bells on their toes.
what you've got on right now...well I should hope not! These are MY pink pajamas!
No bells on your toes? What about rings on your that okay? And you would rock an ascot. You might want to reconsider on that one, Dale.
I'd say I have a piercing stare but that's not even really true. No extra holes in my body CP.
I'm always tripping over them Andi so I finally just took them off. Sorry to disappoint.
Whew! Glad I called that one Lee. Not my style.
Rings are okay or maybe a ring Chelene. Are you calling me a stuffy old gasbag? Hmmm.
Without bells on your toes and an Ascott my image of you is totally shattered.
ps, Chel is the devil
Your list of snacks made me instantly hungry. Where do you find decent fried clams in this city?
Coolcat, I'm the devil? Did I steal your lines again??? :)
Also, Dale, I wasn't calling you a "stuffy old gasbag"...but I will if that's what you're into. ;)
Glad I shattered the image CC, doesn't sound like me at all. Chel is the devil!
Hey Angela you super freak - the key to remember when looking for decent fried clams is this city is that there aren't any. Not that I've found anyway.
Chel, you're not the devil! I guess I was thinking of my old English professor and his ascot and what a windbag he was. Then I looked this up only to find that they say stuff the ascot into the shirt. See? Stuffy.
*jin breathes a sigh of relief*
I'm SO glad you wouldn't wear what I'm wearing right now...& before you think up a smart come-back about ticks...think again dale, remember that I can influence your television.
I bow to your power Jin.
If someone here can influeunce tv please tell me who win this years Super Bowl and Stanley Cup. I'm not a gambler, but I could be . . .
Be careful Justa, Jin's got untold powers and also, cake.
.....and I know how to use them.....
I know I should be careful, but I love cake . . .
That reminds me...
What do slinkies have in common with people you hate?
I dunno Lee, what?
It's fun to watch them fall down the stairs ;) *insane giggling*
That's funny and insane Lee! Very cute.
Glad you liked it...I only know about 3 or 4 jokes by heart :D
Ohh I loved Square Pegs...
The only song I know all the words to is Tempted by Squeeze.. I just love that song like crazy...
So you're the second person I know that's even heard of Square Pegs. Maybe you're not so bad after all. Tempted is a great song too.
Who did you tag?
Dammit! I bought you a pair of those rubbery trendy cloggy gardening shoes here in San Francisco. Now what am I gonna do with a large pair of lime-green gardening shoes ...?
Tanya, I'm too lazy a bastard to tag anyone. Shouldn't you be out buying me presents before you get back home?
Beth! You can give them to Tanya, I think she's in San Fran right now. And trust me, she'd wear them, even if they are size 11.
How has no one heard of that show??? Sarah Jessica Parker before she was Carrie... and didn't the Waitress's do the theme song, I loved them when they did, "I know what boys want"
Not soo bad after all, did you ever have your doubts???
C'mon now.........
Yes, you're right Shroom. The Waitresses, SJP, Tracy Nelson as Jennifer Denuccio and just some funny funny stuff.
Actually no doubts at all. I knew you were a Monkey of great quality and substance. And stuff.
I remember Square Pegs, I think. That had a very young Tracey Nelson as an almost indecipherable valley girl, if I recall.
You're right X. Dell. You can be in the club too. The dues are payable in American though.
Just watched the Catherine Tate clip. You guys have better TV than we do. That was great.
It's actually from the BBC X. Dell. You can You Tube more of that character or other Catherine Tate characters.
I love that the ascot site has a video demonstration. That's classy.
Classy with a capital Chelene. She mentioned ascots over at her site too and then said Everytime someone says ascot an angel gets his wingtips. Still laughing over that.
Personally I would pay at least a dollar fifty for the sight of you in an ascot.
If I had one, I might even take you up on that Bored D. You know how much it costs to make lunch for someone like me?
Yeah Anomie-A, I can see where it might lose a little of the sexy factor if they were bigger than yours. I never say never but I might say probably not. I'm still wondering whether Coaster P. was for or against.
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