When someone mentioned that the The International Association of Firefighters would be in town this week, a lot of women at work seemed to go all squishy at the prospect.
Well, they're here now and although I'm sure most of them are quality human beings, they're not the stuff that calendar dreams are made of.
There are a lot of sad and decidedly non squishy women at work now.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I salute you, sir.
I've thought the same thing. Apparently there's not near as many fires as people like to think. So when they aren't wearing cool gear and winking at the ladies...they eat. They eat a lot.
A good firefighter needs a healthy layer of fat to shield him from intense heat.
Now I'm not saying they aren't great guys that put their lives on the line for burning babies and such, just that most aren't the Calvin Klein models some like to think.
Those poor de-squished lasses ...
They only use the hot ones for the calendars. But...the younger ones are becoming more & more the Robocop/Million Dollar Man/Arnold Scharwtznegger types-so squishy anticipation is allowed. Having worked in a hotel I have enjoyed much eye candy. Police & Firefighters are very playful.
You know, come to think of it, I've met several 300 pound plus firefighters. Not that women can't get squishy about them, but they're more likely to get squished.
The firetrucks will show up in our neighborhood every few months because of the school.
I'll tease the wife, "Are they unloading sexily?"
In her opinion In all their gear they look pretty frumpy, and I think that inhibits her imagination.
You should tell them that there will be an International Association of UPS Drivers meeting next week and watch them get all squishy again.
Aww Poor non squishy women. Im sure there is a firemen calendar website somewhere in cyber space for them.
Some very astute observations there Skincarver, you can see very clearly through all that hair.
I know Beth, they're heartbroken and sad. But that's the way they always are for reason or another anyway.
As long as you don't tell their wives how playful Old Lady, sounds like a good scam you were running.
If the cops are eating all the doughnuts, what are these guys eating I wonder Chancelucky? Something fried I'm guessing.
Not quite the calendar look most people want either with the gear on I'm guessing CC.
It's always all my fault Ben although I've been telling them about you so look out!
This is another inexplicable thing Gizmo, the brown uniform is enough? Man, my old A&W uniform was brown. Oh, and orange.
Were they inspecting the sudden rise in temperature that you were throwing off PollyPrissyP? Love your name by the way.
I'll give them your idea Lee. Thanks.
Nope, never got the whole fireman thing, now if they looked like Billy Baldwin in that one movie and if I could get it on on top of all the hoses - now that would be hot...
That's very funny (get on top of all the hoses) Shroom-Monkey. You're bad and good! How does that work?
Hmm, and just what does it mean to "go all squishy"?
On the day our apartment got flooded with 150 gallons of heating fuel, 3 firetrucks arrived on the block and made everyone open their windows and exit their buildings. Then, inexplicably, on the NYFD men walked into our house, holding a lit cigar.
I didn't really get that.
I'm sure I don't know CP, maybe ask Lulu or Mindy June?
That's one mighty flood. Was Mormon Jesus after you or what? If he wasn't the NYFD was. You must have been a bad Punchman in a former life.
Sounds like an episode of Sex & the City I saw the other night. It's so sad when a dream dies.
Especially a squishy dream
There aer some very hot Chicago firemen. All you ladies with squashed squishy dreams need to come visit. Our cops all look liek special teams coaches though.
We don't want the squishy dreams to die Andi so maybe check Lulu's advice and head for Chicago. If that doesn't pan out, I'll make a few calls and see what I can arrange for you.
I don't care for squishy women, myself. I prefer crunchy ones.
I'm not sure I like the sound of that X. Dell.
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