Alright, alright, I'll admit it. There was that one part that made me jump. And scream. And then nervously laugh.
It was right at the moment when I realized that Sissy Spacek was in this movie. It was only a small part but come on, Sissy, are things really this bad? Call me, I can spot you a few bucks.

Part Two's are almost always bad. Why do we continue to watch them?
I have Saw 2 sitting there waiting for me. I loved the first one. Will I be disappointed?
We watch them because it's Sunday?
I haven't seen Saw 2. Now that's a horrorshow bit of grammar isn't it?
I guess every star makes a cameo in a bad movie every once and awhile. I think I heard somewhere that it's a guild requirement.
It must be. There's no other reason for her to have shown up in this.
Why the oldies phone? Is Samara calling you from the forties?
Ring 2 was a sad entry into the series, especially considering the fact that it was directed by Hideo Nakata, the gentleman who originated the series in Japan.
I think a lot of the shock value is lost considering that you know that the spooky chick is coming out of the television, which was a lot of the tension of the first film.
On the brighter side, she was in a great little film a while back with "gasp" Collin Farrel called "A Home At The End Of The World". Have you seen it?
I'm back.
I loved Saw 2 right up until the ending.
It didn't fit (to me) hence, it sucked.
I suppose I should have stayed here & blogged.
Next time I will (probably not).
maybe her version of the script said "carrie 2" on it?
I just liked the way it looked Mob, I had 2 of them there but then it screwed up the formatting so I deleted one.
Yes, you're absolutely right about the television tension.
Haven't seen that one Mel although I've heard of it, maybe I'll give it a look.
That sucks Jin, nothing worse than a lacklustre ending to something you're enjoying.
Hey Brat, that's funny. Although they did C2 without her didn't they? The first one scared the pig's blood right out of me.
Being a horror movie freak-I couldn't wait for Ring 2. I wanted answers!!! I think as fantastic as The Ring was, that if the two movies had been combined into one movie it would have been an amazing classic. I want to see the Japanese versions.
Poor Sissy, I'm sure it was more about being seen than the money. Hollywood correctly things if we don't see a star in every third movie it's time to assume they are dead or in detox.
There hasn't been a good sequel since Breakin 2: Electric Boogalo.
You spoiled the movie for me. Back to porn I guess.
Ohh I loved the first one, I play it for my kids when they are in time-out... It works, it really does...
part 2 sucked ass. Except for the lame ass deer - I liked the idea of the scene just thought it was poorly done...
They should have picked your brain before they undertook this mess Old Lady. They'd have had one big creepfest and the adoration of many.
And what's so wrong with being dead or in detox? Do we have to be so hard on these poor folks?
Making it or watching it Grant Miller? Don't get all clinical on me.
Shroom-Monkey, I wouldn't leave your kids out in the corn fields too long if I were you. 2 was lame and I also liked the idea of it but the execution wasn't so hot.
I had a blast when i was the first part my some of my friends in my dorm. Wanted to scare off one of my friend, and she came knocking at my door like 10 minutes after leaving my room. And i haven't seen a good horror movie since like 10 years...
Sounds like you had some fun with the scares Jill! Good going.
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