It’s 8:30 a.m., I’m at work and one of my co-workers is eating cold pizza. I walked by and said Ah, pizza, I love cold pizza. At the same time, a female coworker happened by and said Ew, how can you eat that it’s disgusting? We argued that there’s nothing quite like the taste of congealed cheese, dried up pepperoni and cold tomato sauce. She wasn’t buying it.
This made me think of how as a child, I loved being the first to wake up on those mornings after my parents had had a party. My whole purpose in beating my siblings to the punch was that I got to eat like a king feasting on leftover delights like vegetable thin crackers that had been dabbed with cream cheese and a sliced olive delicately placed on top. Aged overnight, this was the ultimate in refined dining to me.
As my palate matured and the colours in my palette changed, I found myself enjoying ever more exotic delights like Chef Boy-ar-dee ravioli. The only way to eat it was cold right out of the can. Considering my mother’s general cooking skills, having the Chef take care of dinner was like having a gourmet friend stop by and make everything all better.
Now, I look back and smile knowing that I’ve come a long way. Those childhood delights were but stepping stones in my evolution into the person I am today. When the chef visits now, I always empty the can into a bowl. I’m not an animal.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
My mother NEVER left food out over night. She ALWAYS cleaned up the kitchen and the dishes after a party-Sometimes I was the kitchen slut and had to do the honors. When that occurred I got to pinch a horses doober or two.
I bring the Chef to work with me on a regular basis. His ravioli is magnifique.
The only thing that freaks me out is the Chef looks more than a little bit like Captain Kangaroo.
You are one classy b*astard, Dale. I didn't realize you're such a foodie.
You can put me down in the ewwwwwwwww camp. I prefer my foods cooked, thank you.
"I'm not an animal"
Was that a totally unPC reference to Elephant Man or as usual am I laughing about the wrong thing?
I was with you on the cold pizza, but you went too far with the unheated, straight out of the can ravioli. Gross.
x. dell: Never fear. Cold pizza is cooked, as are Chef Boyardee's cans of ravioli. It's merely a choice of whether or not to re-heat before eating.
Sushi on the other hand...
Save some for me!
I'm all about the quick and easy way to get food in my mouth -- which doesn't include heating it up.
I actually prefer to let my food cool before eating it. I irritate the hell out of Main Man by sipping on a cup of coffee for HOURS.
p.s. - why are you whispering today?
yummmy cold pizza........
I like warm soda, cheese when it has been on those trays for like forever- all warm and soft.. bread when it gets left out and crusty...donuts in glad bags, and lunch meat past the expiration date...
all those years of dumpster diving has made me a non-selective eater...
I hate being sooo poor....
Because the parties seemed to go late, I guess Ma was too tired to clean up. And I guess she knew I'd be up like a starving hound soon enough.
Did you have a bad experience with Captain Kangaroo Skincarver? Or are you just worried the sideburns might end up in your lunch?
Only the best for me Beth. I'm a right bastard and foodie.
X. Dell, please hold.
I prefer that people laugh at the wrong things CC so I won't spoil anything. Just keep laughing.
Psst, Chelene, I may have exaggerated my current eating habits (I wasn't even sure they still made it - don't tell Skincarver)
X. Dell, thank you for holding. Haahnster, please go ahead.
I hear sushi's great, tried it once and wasn't overly motivated to enjoy it. I do like the way it looks though.
Grant Miller, thief and brigand, isn't my backpack full already? Where will you keep it?
There's something to be said for time saving foods BPort. Don't get any on your night vision goggles.
I hate food that's too hot as well Berry. I was whispering because I posted that from work by using WORD and I've since corrected it so I'm speaking in my normal tone. ALRIGHT?!
Pull up a garbage can and we'll have a snack together Shroomie, I'll share my Ar-Dee.
congealed cheese, dried up pepperoni and cold tomato sauce.
**gag** *cough***Gag**
sorry Dale
I'm with the female coworker
on that one. EW
Cold pizza rocks my socks off! I also like flat pop and untoasted pop tarts. I've eaten out of cans many a time, everything from the yummy Boyardee to Clover Leaf tunabits. Magnificent.
I generally prefer warm, not hot, pizza, but I'm with you on the can-eating. Bohemian cuisine all the way!
You'd try it Jen if there was a Timmy's coffee to go with wouldn't you?
A life without food eaten out of the can is a life half lived. You rock pretty hard Angela.
Cans cans good for your heart, no that's not right. What do you think Tumuli, should I try and work Bohemian Rhapsody and Boy-Ar-Dee together somehow?
I can still handle the cold pizza, but only if the animal ahead of me has bothered to actually close the box the night before. That lone dried out leftover piece is just nasty.
Je ne suis pas un animal! Je suis un homme!
Dale, you had me at cold pizza and ravioli, but lost me at crusted over cream cheese crackers. Nonetheless, I am a firm believer that eating food left out overnight is a great way to boost the immune system. Also licking the table in greasy diners.
Poor George (our resident gourmet) is also a fan of the Chef's ravioli, so you are in good company.
Very good point Mob and I should have said that right at the start. There's a big difference.
Je suis un homme aussi Coaster Homme de Punch. George is clearly a man of distinction and taste. Keep in mind, I was about 8 years old. And I stopped when I was say 30. See? Not so bad. They weren't really crusty, I think the olive must have kept them company until I got up.
I love cold pizza.
In fact, I might go buy some pizza and let it go cold before I eat it.
I like cold pizza too. I think it must be the cheese going congealed back to its normal state.
Rice pudding is another "cold" favourite.
Man, I can't even eat Chef Boyardee when it's warm, I can't imagine how nasty it must be cold.
Kudos, though, on your maturing taste buds. Doesn't that bowl make all the difference?
Ziggy - you're another man of distinction, bravo.
Ben - you had me until you said rice pudding. Am I the only one who threw up a little at that?
Gizmo, it all ends up in a bowl, first I eat it and then...I can't believe I just said that. Very mature.
With a teenager in the house, we never get the chance to have cold pizza! It pretty much vanishes within the hour. Cold pizza is the best breakfast I think
Okay, Haanster, Dale. I'm onto the two of you:-)
It's a tasty dish in the morning many of us agree. I wonder if 30 Helens would agree?
Careful Haahnster, X. Dell usually means business! I bow to your blogging prowess X. Man.
LOL. Great post, Dale. Made me larf.
Larfings better than barfing NV. Good to see your beautiful eye again.
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