When your weekend plans change and you've already watered the plants, mowed the lawn, pressure washed the deck, walked to the bank, rented videos, and had a quart of Pepsi, there's nothing better left to do than to Babelfish your blogroll.
Why look, over there =====================================================>
I actually went in and changed all your names to different languages.
Yep, I'm just that bored.
Many thanks to Chelene at Glück und Galle for mentioning Babelfish in one of her comments thereby making me look it up. I'm probably the only one in the world not to have known about it.
**Edit** They's all changed back now cause I am no longer bored.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Wow, looks like you're about as bored as me LOL! babel fish is awesome!
- Rifugi Mellow
PS if you are really really bored, add me to your ms messenger, I will entertain you. mellowlee@hotmail.com :)
Thank goodness I took all those years of French!! Otherwise I wouldn't be able to find myself! :)
Terra di Lulu is kind of cute, actually. Perhaps once Lullupalooza is over I do an Italian themed blog for a while.
Try entering Chese menu items into different languages and then back into English. "Potsticker" can become "gummy label of the crucible".
Dale, so that was you! I saw a link in Site Meter and I was thinking "who the hell is reading my site in German?"!!
This is what you do to avoid me?!
Cool!! Now I can mess with people at work. Found myself too.
Thanks Rifugi Mellow (that has a ring to it doesn't it?). I entered one name in and couldn't stop so there you go. Thanks for the sweet offer but as Tanya will tell anyone who listens, I'm not a Messenger type person.
I knew I picked the right one for you then Bre! Actually, I went for ones that I thought sounded the best or in some cases disguised the name the most. The wanderings of an unused mind.
Spiffy new profile Lulu and a great day over at Lulupalooza. Mmm, gummy labels? I'm in.
Yours was the one I test drove it on Chelene. I loved the way Bliss and Bile sounded in German.
That's only one out of several hundred ways I know how to avoid you T.
Mess with everyone you know and then start over in a new language Old Lady
What's fun is to translate something from English to another language, and then back to English. You get back something a little different than what you started with.
That is so awesome! You must really love us!
I have a magic tepid fart.
OK, so you're f'ing screwed if your name has been done in Greek or Russian as far as I can tell. Thanks. I took Latin, but sadly, not Russian.
That is very amusing X. and I spent some amount of time doing that too.
Mmm, I can smell you from here Angela, very nice.
I had trouble with a few names Tenacious because for some reason, Tenacious wouldn't really translate. One of the languages changed you to Tenacious C and I didn't want to call you a C.
Schale von Coffey. Bet I can get people to snap to attention and salute if I use that name ... where's my whip?
I'm Dutch now eh? I always wanted to dance in a window beckoning passerby's to come in for a little bite of my tasty treats. Ummm, ohh and those little cute wooden shoes.... Nice very nice....
Very odd. Is tenacity only an American attribute?
Dale, Glad you like the new profile pic, but it is a weekend only change, in honor of Lullupalooza. Tomorrow I will be back in sexy school teacher mode.
Thanks. I always wondered how Dostoevsky would've written "Hallucinations" in his native language.
boredom tends to lead to VERY interesting things... and so the mind wanders and leaps to various things and then you learn a different language. Who knew?
I took Russian, and I think the third Russian link is actually in Greek. Don't mean to nitpick, but I'm just saying.
Well, at least the Bastards is still recognizable, otherwise I'd have assumed you just lost my link.
Interesting site, my friend, but I can barely keep up with all the blogging stuff in my native tongue, much less a series of foreign languages.
Lulu recommends translating stuff into a foreign language and then back to English.... I started doing that with failed poems to see if any lines would be improved by the language weirdness.
When I did that with "Super Bowl," I get "superb basin."
"O.K.-Dann Tschuess"??? Sounds like I'm sneezing. Which makes perfect sense, seeing as the root of the German language is, well.... Phlemish.
Blog van Ziggy?
Are you disrespecting me?!
Am I bovvered?
Beth - you sound so authoritative. Maybe I'll bring some nylons over to you on your blog so you're not too hard on me?
I'd like to hear the song playing while you did you little dance Shroom-Monkey. Will you be wearing your braids?
Maybe they just know you Tenacious and they're not taking any chances at screwing with you.
Your other profile shot is very cool too Lulu, nice to see you mix it up. Teacher teacher can you teach me?
I'm changing you back soon Haahnster, like most Russian films and novels, it goes on and on and I think there's a snowstorm in the middle.
3.14 - One thing's for sure, I'm fluent in boredom. Although the weekend did pick up a bit. Long weekend here so plenty of time to go from bored to fun and back to bored again.
CP - Would you believe me if I said that I did it on purpose and you passed the test? I hang my head in shame. You're Correct Punchman.
I sort of liked the way yours turned out Mob. Very direct and you could really work the intonation a few ways as you said it.
¡Usted es Anomie muy agradable Atlanta!
Failed poems? Ones that failed you or failed to get their point across? You don't strike me as the sort who would write about the Super Bowl BD. But then who knows how or when a bored dominatrix might strike.
Very funny Berry. It's a little bit phlegmish, this feeling inside.
Are you saying I'm stupid Ziggy? Are you saying my mother's a prostitute? Are you stupid? Are you calling my dad an alcoholic? You're well disrespected Ziggy.
Is there something in particular you wante me to teach you, dale? I knows all kinds a things.
Are you getting fresco with me?
All kinds a things Lulu? Well, we'll skip English. Har har, I'm the class clown I'm afraid. Or, just a clown.
Ci è niente di fresco circa me gatto freddo (There's nothing fresh about me Cool Cat)
Cherry Pie by Warrant would have to be the song-
Hell yeah I'd wear my hair in the little Heidi braids.
I'm sure you'd make quite a hot little Dutch girl SM.
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