At about the 7 minute mark in V For Vendetta, the masked guy has a few lines of dialogue almost entirely comprised of words beginning with the letter vee. I started laughing and had a hard time stopping. The film had some pretty shots, some good surround sound action and Sinead O'Connor took over for Natalie Portman about halfway through. You don't get that in every movie. I know where they got the masks but where did everyone pick up the hats and capes?
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was funnier than V but intentionally so which made for a more enjoyable ride. It was a bit of an oddball offering with some really good work by Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer. It seemed a bit too clever for its own good from time to time which slowed the storytelling down but was very enjoyable just the same. I tend to enjoy a film that colours outside the lines here and there.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Very vexing. Viewing vacated for valuable video.
{That's all the V I have ...)
I enjoyed Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. But I love Robert Downey Jr.
Sounds like a better time than my time with my extended family and their thousand children running around and screaming.
I watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang last night too. Totally agree with you on the "bit too clever" There were some great one liners like "Don't quit your gay job" I'm not sure how I feel about the comentary thoughout the movie. It was entertaining at the very least.
Dale?? ummmm Dale? Can I ask you a question??
I saw V for Vendetta on the big screen because I knew that it wouldn't translate well on a TV. That said, I think I might have enjoyed it a bit more than you did. Sinead is brilliant in the film. Her best work yet.
Netflix did send me KISS KISS BANG BANG recently and I really really really liked it. I agree that the film was clever and it really made me realize how UNclever most films are these days. I say, bring it on... Colour off the damn page if you want.
I went with our neighbours to see the "V" movie (Kingsway closing-so it was an event) there were five adults and six teens; some of us loved it- it was so in your face-so to speak ....
Haven't seen V for Vendetta yet. Agree with you on Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
When I was young we used to call it "Shitty Shitty Gang Bang." I liked that.
I haven't had the urge to watch V for Vendetta yet. I would have been there laughing right along with you. How suessy heehee!
I actually watched the V For Vendetta Saturday night as well, and enjoyed it well enough, save for Portman's on-again off-again English accent.
I need to add the KKBB to the Netflix, I've heard pretty good things about it.
I was pretty certain I was going to hate V for Vendetta after the first thirty words out of his mouth started with vee. I thought, if he talks in vees for the whole movie I am leaving right now. Luckily the vees stopped. Movie didn't get any better though.
I cannot watch a Natalie Portman flick without becoming entirely distracted by her giant head, namely the back of it. I have not seen the "V" movie, mostly because I think I would collapse at the sight of her giant head without hair.
I've taken a fancy to Val Kilmer ever since seeing him in Real Genius. I'm not exactly a fan, but for the most, I find most of the movies he's in very entertaining or at most watchable. I guess now I have to go and watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Interesting reviews for this movie. The critics who panned it seemed to do so almost with the same words: "The movie (place verb here) itself too (place adverb here)."
Sounds like a fun one to rent, though.
Glad you liked it Beth, I did too really. I just wanted to keep my review short and sweet.
Forget your ammo at home NYC Beauty? Never ever attend a family function without being fully armed.
Hey Bluez, I didn't mind most of the commentary but it wasn't all necessary or funny. Generally when a film opens with commentary, I shudder thinking that they don't know how to tell a story so they're explaining it all to us. This was more with a lot of winking and nodding so overall, I sort of liked that.
Uh oh, Shroom? What is it? Just by your comment, I'm frightened.
I've got one of those drive in sized TVs Saviour so I didn't think it lost too much on the 'small' screen. I liked it fine, it just didn't wow me. As for KKBB, much more entertaining in every way.
All the "V" dialogue reminds me of how annoying Face Off was. For a minute, it looked like Natalie Portman was going to go taliban- style on that train at the end. That movie might be way more subversive than I was aware of. Who knows.
The first half of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was the best movie I had ever seen. It lost me a bit towards the end but it was still amazing over all. It gives the Cohen Brothers a run for their money.
Did any of you leave the theatre wearing masks or capes and hats Sandra? Are your children plotting right now?
You'll have to let me know when you see V for V Old Lady. I wonder if you'll care for it. I kept waiting for the masked man to launch into Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera or something.
I like the way it sounds even if the gang bang didn't turn out to be that great Coaster P.
It was a little Seussy but thankfully didn't last too long MLee.
I remember Saviour O having posted the video from SNL which I think had Natalie''s best performance to date. Check here or search on YouTube for Natalie Portman SNL rap. It's pretty hilarious.
Good assessment Gizmo. I rolled my eyes hard when he started with all that.
Be proud of your dog Anomie, dogs who can spell that well you can't find just anywhere. I think I started to watch The Ringer and fell asleep or off a cliff or something.
Hmm, now that you mention it, she does have a giant head Berry. You're ruining everything! She was really quite good in Closer but otherwise, no comment. Don't mention Star Wars.
Val is pretty watchable and like RD Jr. chooses some pretty interesting roles. I really liked him in The Salton Sea too. Rent that if you haven't seen it Larry H.
Definitely a good rental. I may have been clouded by reviews I read before I saw it X. Dell but when I start talking to the teevee with 'yes, we get it, move on' I'm in trouble.
For anyone who hasn't seen it, she may still go Taliban style per Peter's comments. Pretend you didn't read that. I liked the first half better as well Peter and felt it strayed a bit here and there but overall - enjoyable.
Rats! I forgot my movie reveiw etiqutte. Sorry 'bout that.
Natalie Portman rescues her bastard son and learns to beleive in herself again. That's how this one ends.
Peter, you did the right thing with coming clean and telling the truth. Plus I laughed pretty hard.
Thanks for the spoiler Peter. I noticed in the vid store the other day they have the "Natalie Portman Collection" 3 crapps DVD's bundled together for the price of one crappy DVD.
Hold out for the special edition where you get the lock of her hair Coolcat.
Dale, I love that you couldn't control your laugh-out-loud moment. It was at home, right? In a theatre, I'd have to kill you.
Oh I'm outta control but only at home Dena. In a theatre setting, I'm the one right behind you with a bat ready to silence anyone who breathes.
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