Taking a cue from pioneer woman MellowLee (and now Beth), I figured out that the good folks at Bolt could help me enhance my whole experience at trying to sell you people on my musical taste.
So if you go to my previous post for example, you can now listen in on the song I was talking about and decide if I'm an insufferable gasbag with no taste or if maybe I'm onto something every now and then.
I just know Mary Margaret's going to show up in my backyard all pitchforks and threats but I don't care, I'll declare my love right to her sweet face.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Great addition. I have the CD, and yet I've listened to your Bolt link three times in the last hour. I need to find her other albums.
Ok...so your 'bolt' doesn't work in Opera & I'm probably not going to go over to Firefox just to see it. I'll see if I become bored enough later on to do that.
Beth, you know a good thing when you hear it.
Jin, I applaud your level of interest.
How is Bolt different from Youtube?
Bolt allows you to host any type of file such as an mp3 so you can link it to your blog Lulu whereas I believe YouTube is only for videos.
Speaking of which, now I see the video for Body's In Trouble and a live performance of When You Know Why You're Happy. Yay. Now you can see Mary do her little twirly hand dances too!
Being a natural born follower and paranoid android I will now also use Bolt. I'll check out the site this evening and share some Manu Chao.
I enjoy a little Manu Chao, I look forward to your selection.
As a musician, I would be more curious as to what qualities O'Hara brings to her performances that captivates you. Is it something you can articulate?
It starts with her voice and as I described in the previous post, there's a lilting that I love. Her voice also hiccups and catches here and there and not everything sounds overthought or produced. It seems as though her movement is almost an involuntary extension to the music and not a studied or rehearsed eccentricity. She's very natural. It all comes back to the sweetness of her voice though, Make any sense X. Dell?
:D Isn't bolt awesome? Let's spread the word. It makes it so much easier to share our tastes in music, and people can actually listen to it on the spot, they don't have to go searching for it later :) YAY! ps I LOVE the song you posted!
I'm sure we'll all be arrested at some point MellowLee for posting music on our blogs but until then...I'm glad you like it, she's pretty great but I wish she wasn't so musically reclusive.
Quite, Dale. I found her voice quite pleasant myself.
Glad you liked it XD
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